Finally Home

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Today, I finally am getting discharged from the hospital. It's been two weeks since I last had a nightmare. And since Nishiki finally told me about his own. We did finally manage to figure out what the last line meant. And, to be saved and save someone in return simultaneously. Amon, blood type and A, and Saiko, blood type B, were the answers. When I started first getting my memories back at the hospital with the Hanahaki, that was one of them. Kaneki was Sasaki at the time. Multi-colored hair and working for the CCG even with ghouls and investigators were on opposite sides.

Though, in those two weeks, Avani and I manage to break the news to Itsuki. He started off rather stun for a while before finally coming around. Speaking of my brother, him and Tsukiyama marked each other. When Itsu finally told me, he was so nervous he was shaking in his shoes.

A smile starts forming on my face. So much has changed; we've all grown. Footsteps catch my attention. What makes me smile even more is the scent that follows. My door opens and in steps Nishiki. In one hand is a small bag, probably filled with clothes from home.

"I got what you asked for," Nishi says, handing me the bag. I nod my head in response. My eyes glance up, catching with my mate's.

"Thank you," I whisper in response before leaving a quick peck on his cheek. I got over towards the bed, setting the bag down. Opening, I see the clothes that I asked for earlier. Slowly, I slip off the hospital shirt before slipping into the baseball tee.

 Slowly, I slip off the hospital shirt before slipping into the baseball tee

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Suddenly, hands place themselves on my waist. My eyes advert up, seeing him. Nishiki has a small smile on his face. "Excited huh?" He asks; a smirk taking shape. I roll my eyes in a playful manner towards him.

"So what? I've been in here two months," I manage to whisper out. It still doesn't seem like it's been that long, but it has. Two months.....two months since I've been here...and two months since I went against Kato.

Arms wrap around me, pulling me from my thoughts. My eyes glance up, looking at Nishiki. His nose immediately brushes against mine. "What did we talk about?" Nishiki whispers in responds. Not to dwell on the past. My thoughts ring loud and clear. My mate nods. "Exactly," he adds in a whisper. My head nods at that before nuzzling up against him.

"Okay," I say smiling for a moment, trying to pry my mate away from me. Though he keeps his arms tight around me. I laugh a little. "Nishi, let go so I can finish getting ready," I add. Nishiki shakes his head at that. "What do you mean no?" I ask, raising my eyebrow up at that.

"You can just get dressed," Nishiki comments, a smug look taking place. My hand reaches out, smacking his arm. He quickly let's go of me before I cross my arms over my chest. My mate chuckles as he nods his head. "Okay, I'm going," he says before leaving the room, closing the door behind himself.

After he leaves, I let out a sigh. I dig through the bag finally finding a pair of boxers. Immediately, I slip out of the hospital pants before slipping into my boxers. Next thing that I slip in is my jeans. My hand reaches for the belt. I loop it through my pant loops. Though the belt won't go through the buckle, not fitting through. A frown forms on my face. I could've sworn that I could still fit this. I think to myself. I undo my belt before moving to slip into my shoes.

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