Going to the CCG

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"Is everyone ready?" I ask looking around the place. Wolves, ghouls, vampires, everything is here. At the emergency meeting, I gave everyone a choice, but the shop was going to be closed for a while. My rules under my management.

Everyone nods their head slightly at that. I take a deep breath nodding towards Nori. She nods her head slightly as she closes her eyes for a moment. I look down at the ground, seeing the blue aura wrapping around my ankles, incasing me. My eyes adverts for just a moment, seeing it wrapping around everyone else for a moment.

My eyes close shut as well. The feeling of being move it what I acknowledge. Suddenly a room full of humans and ghouls infiltrates my nose. Though, the strongest one to me is the one person that I seem to always be closest with...my own mate. My eyes open for a moment, everything blurring for a moment.

As soon as everything becomes clear, my eyes start search for my mate and my kids. My blue orbs land on all five of them rather fast. Nishiki is standing beside Touka, both of them wearing their mask. As for the kids, they have a hooded jacket on. The hood rest on the top of their heads as they wear face covers, at least for now.

"What the hell is this?" A masculine voice demands. A rather nasty tone setting into this guy's voice. My eye glance, seeing a rather well known investigator to anyone: Marude. He moves closer towards Hide.

"I thought we could use some backup," Hide comments rather calmly. Quite the opposite of the ones he use to work for.

"Huh?" Marude comments. I watch him, already knowing that there is a lot of explaining needing to be done. Though, Marude is the first to explain what's now just recently happen. Evidently this kagune that was formed from my brother needs to be handled.

"Our only chance is to dig out the main body, right?" I question watching him. His attention turns towards me. "But humans alone can only do so much," I add.

"We're gonna need some mobility to pull this off," Hide comments. This snatches the ghoul investigator's attention towards the ghoul standing just before him.

"You can't be serious," he remarks. Eyes wide and lips parted. "Come on. Are you suggesting that we work side-by-side with ghouls?" His eyes glance at me for a moment. "And whatever this group is," he says, referring to mine.

My eyes narrow at him. Well you could at least try and learn what else is out there other than ghouls. Yeah right. "Yeah," Hide answers towards the investigator.

"Are you joking?" The same leader running this show comments. It's a bitter pill for him to swallow, it has to be,

"These ghouls could've run away easily," Ken's childhood friend replies, "but they're willing to help you destroy that monster-"

"Because Ken Kaneki's inside it," I interject the ghoul. The man in the black suits steps back some, his eyes widen, attention turning towards me.

"Ken Kaneki?" Marude says. The new information must be hard to process, considering he was one of their investigators here when we went under the name Haise Sasaki. There's mumbling amongst the rest of the workers here. That is until one voice catches my attention.

"Maman?" A light feminine voice questions in a quiet tone. My eyes glance up, scanning down the line of investigators. My eyes stop on a rather shorter female with purple pigtails dressed in black. Saiko. I remember her! She's the one that was being attacked by the deranged clowning ghoul.

Mutters of what's going on with their chief is what pulls the conversation in a new direction. "the chief has resigned, in a sense," my eyes advert, seeing someone dressed in a black turtle neck. Dark blue hair eyes grey eyes to match. "The creation of that monster was his true objective from the beginning. He played every person in the CCG for a fool and succeeded," he says pausing. The room way to quiet, even for my own liking.

"You there," the same guys speaks up. The words aim towards Hide. "Do you really believe that investigators and ghouls can work together? Why don't you take a good look at the faces of everyone in front of you, and think again. Leave now, or you will be dispatched."

"Investigator Ui," a rather tall dark-haired male ghoul comments. He's one of the few that isn't wearing a mask. "As an investigator, what is you first and foremost duty?"

"It's to hunt down and fight against ghouls," the blue-haired male, Ui, responds back in such a casual tone. Almost as if this was the only thing that goes through all of their minds.

"You're wrong," the taller ghoul leaves no room for hesitation. This causes this Ui guy to gasp in response. "Yes, it's our duty to fight. But it's peace we fight for. You should fight for it now. Even with ghouls, and anything else, at your side," he says, explaining the truth towards them.

Immediately, a hands shoots straight into the air. "I'll fight!" My attention turns, seeing Saiko standing there, a serious expression on her face. "I'll fight at their side! These ghouls may have been our enemy in the past, but that isn't what matters right now!" She exclaims.

Well this immediately causes conflict throughout the investigators. Some very similar to Saiko, right there for. Others the completely opposite, a big hell no. Sudden a more feminine voice says something that pushes my buttons. "The CCG still has its pride!"

"Your so-called pride..." Touka's voice reaches my ears in time enough for me to see her removing that rabbit mask of hers. Suddenly, everyone removes their mask before throwing them in the air. Even the kids remove their mask before pulling down their hoods. This elicits gasping from the mostly mortal crowd.

"...can kiss my ass," Touka finishes. Not even a minute later, there's footsteps coming from the only empty space in the room, the one right adjacent towards mine and right beside the CCG and the ghouls.

"It's Suzuya Squad," a feminine voice calls out, though I can't catch a face to the voice. Standing in front of us are give investigators. Mostly males except one. And she's got her arm in a sling.

"All right, Suzuya. You make the call," Marude comments. I watch the raven haired male with stitches look between the investigators and the ghouls constantly. Suddenly, he breaks out into a wide smile, eyes closed.

"Okay, then let's take this thing on together. It oughtta be a piece of cake that way," Suzuya comments. The building up tension that had been trying to suffocate the atmosphere finally clears instantaneously.

"Ah.... Guess I'll have to suck it up," Marude comments. I watch some of the ghouls high five but still.....something is nagging away at me. I glance up looking at them.

"Only on one condition," I remark, getting the whole room quiet. "No offense, but just taking orders and turning you're back on someone, even if you knew deep down it was wrong," my head shakes slightly.

My eyes scan over the crowd, looking for someone. Finally, they land on her. My feet move and carry me over towards her, watching as most of the ghouls investigators step back some. My eyes looks at her. "Are you willing to be on the front lines?" I ask her, my eyes boring into hers. Saiko nods her head slightly, the seriousness instilling itself

My eyes advert to look over at Marude. "There's your answer," my voice having a strict and stern tone. There isn't going to be any misunderstanding with exactly how this will go, especially if I'll be joining forces with these people.

The older male sighs for a moment before nodding his head at that. "The CCG accepts both offers of assistance," Marude comments. A small smirk makes it's way onto my face.

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