Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

But I heard him pull it down!

I felt the Alpha gaze on me and I looked away from that area.

"Don't leave this room." Alpha Alessandro ordered as began to leave the room.

"Where's Cami?"

He ignored me and left the room, slamming the door behind him. Once he was gone I let out a sigh of relief before running over to the bed. I lifted the mattress up slightly and pulled out my phone that I had hidden the night before.

My patience was thin as I waited for the phone to restart. Uncle Tom had to get Cami out of here now, if these are the things they do in here Cami couldn't be here to witness or partake in it. There was no way I would let someone assault her again.

Unlocking the phone quickly and keeping an eye on the door I skimmed the multiple texts from Uncle Tom.

What do you mean you're at Alpha Alessandro's pack? How did you get there?

Nala, answer me.

Are you hurt? Is Cami hurt?

I'm going to get you both out of there. Don't anger the Alpha.

My eyes widened as I saw the last message that was sent an hour ago.

I have a meeting with Alpha Alessandro and the Human Ambassador. There's a good chance you're both going to leaving here today.

Gripping the phone tightly, I closed my eyes and smiled. We were going to get out of here! Once we left the pack, we would have to leave the country and disappear. We couldn't risk staying in this country anymore.

Maybe that's where Cami was? She was with Uncle Tom and they were trying to figure out how to get us out of here. This didn't seem that plausible but it was better to believe that than believe that she was being tortured somewhere. I paced the room for the next half an hour as I waited for someone to let me know where Cami was and what was going on. After that I laid on the bed and continued to wait.

The door opened and I shot up from the bed, my eyes wide and frantic when I saw who it was. I ran towards Cami and pulled her close to me. "We're going to be okay." I whispered as I tightened my grip on her. This time I believed my own words.

"I know." Cami sobbed in my arms.

Pulling myself away from her, I looked at Uncle Tom who was staring at me with a serious expression. I gave him a smile which he didn't return. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer. "We need to talk."

My body froze as I heard those words.

No, please. We can't stay here.

"What's wrong?" I questioned frantically. "Did the meeting not go well? We're leaving here right?"

"Cami, sweetheart? Can you call your aunt and let her know we're going to be coming home soon?" He unlocked his phone and handed it over to her. "Nala and I are going to have a quick chat outside."

"Why can't you talk here?"

"We're going to be right by the door and it'll only take a couple of minutes." Uncle Tom explained. Cami looked at me and I nodded in encouragement.

Once she started fiddling around with the phone, me and Uncle Tom stepped outside. "What's going on? We are leaving right?"

Uncle Tom looked around the corridor to make sure no one was around before he began to talk. "There's no actual evidence to hold you both here, its just circumstances. Alpha Alessandro doesn't play by the rules, he doesn't want either of you to leave his sight."

"So what? We have to stay here?"

"Legally he can hold you both here for two weeks and if he has no evidence he has to let you both go."

"We can't stay here for two weeks! Cami will break!"

Uncle Tom nodded. "I know but those are the rules."

"Can't you do anything?" I pleaded. There was no way me and Cami would last for two weeks here and even if we did what if in those two weeks they find some evidence?

"There is one thing the Alpha suggested." Uncle Tom informed me hesitantly.

"Okay, what is it?" I questioned, eager to know what it was.

"He'll let Cami go for the time being but there's a catch."

Uncle Tom paused and I motioned for him to continue. His eyes were filled with sadness and sympathy causing alarm bells to ring.

"He want you to stay here."


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter 

Two chapters in two days! I've received a lot of support and encouragement from you all and decided to upload again. Next chapter will hopefully be up in a few days. 

If you want to read ahead you can do on   

My completed book The Wolf Baby (70 chapters) is available on Patreon and for this festive period I have reduced the price so it is more accessible for everyone. This offer will only be available until end of January where the price of the book will go back up. If you have any questions about that, please let me know :) 

Thank you to everyone who reads, comments and votes. I really appreciate the support! 

-Kayy xx

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