
The sound of an alarm next to my ear had me groaning and pulling the duvet up to my head. I was so tired, I barely had enough energy to turn the alarm off.

"Turn it off Nala." Cami moaned from beside me.

Letting out a huge sigh, I lifted the duvet up and turned the incessant alarm off. I sat up and placed my head in my hands as I realised how hard today would be. I couldn't believe we were in Alpha Alessandro's pack and we were going to be his maid, the whole thing was baffling.

I was grateful that he wasn't torturing the information out of us but I still wanted to know why he wasn't doing that and what he had on us. Lisa said they had evidence, what kind of evidence?

We were so careful and tried our best to destroy everything that incriminated us. Maybe someone saw him following Cami, or on out street or even forcing his way into our house? Another thought popped into my head and I froze for a second.

Maybe it was the creep? The one who had been following us. Did he tell the Alpha what he knew? He can't have, we would be dead if he had.

"I don't want to get out of bed." Cami whispered from under the covers.

I pulled the covers away from her face. "I don't think we have a choice. Let's just do what they say."

"I'm scared Nala."

Me too.

Before I could say anything else there was a knock on the door. Both Cami and I stared at each other before looking at the door. The door swung open and in stepped a young woman pulling a suitcase.

"Is that my suitcase?" I asked her as I inspected it further, it looked like the one we had abandoned yesterday when we were captured.

The woman ignored me and put the suitcase near the bed before walking off.

"Wait!" I called out causing her to stop. "Where's Cami's suitcase?"

"I have been asked to bring this in, I don't know where your other suitcases are." The woman replied as she walked off quickly, closing the door behind her.

"They know what happened! That's why they only brought your suitcase in, you're going to stay here and they're going to kill me." Cami whispered as her breath started to get uneven.

"What? How did you even come up with that?" I pulled her up so she was sitting on the bed instead of lying on it. "How many times do I have to tell you, you're going to be okay. I won't let anything happen to you."

Cami narrowed her eyes and squinted. "What happened to your neck? Why is it red?"

I touched my neck and pretended to give it a scratch. "It's a rash, I noticed it last night. I must be allergic to Werewolves." I laughed slightly trying to ease the tension.

Cami didn't look like she believed me and before she could press me further I began to speak. "Have a shower, it'll help you relax. You can use one of my towels." I unzipped my suitcases and rumbled through it. I grabbed what some clothes for me and Cami and tossed it over to her.

Cami followed my instructions without protesting and headed over to the bathroom. After I heard the shower come on, I began tidying up the bed before heading over to the window. I opened it up slightly for some fresh air and looked out of it.

From this room there wasn't much of a view, all I could see was the dark, gloomy forest. As I stared out the window I thought of something, there wasn't anyone around, maybe we could escape from here. The ground wasn't too high from the window, we obviously couldn't jump down but maybe we could use something. You see it in the movies, people ripping up bedsheets, tying them up and climbing down them, maybe we could do that?

Two shirtless men stepped out of the forest and looked straight at me causing me to duck down.

Okay, maybe that wouldn't work.

I lifted my head up to find both men still standing there but no longer looking up at the window. I watched as more men came out from the forest, talking quietly amongst themselves. They stopped at the edge of the forest and looked as if they were waiting for something.

After less than a minute more men began to emerge but this time it looked like they were leaving the house. I watched as they briefly interacted with each other before the men who came from the house entered the forest while the others made their way to the house.

They must be the Werewolves Lisa was talking about, the ones that patrol the grounds. There was no way we were getting past them, there was too many of them. Plus running into a forest wasn't the best idea, anything could happen in there.

I continued to stare out the window to distract myself from the urge to use the toilet, if I was at home I would have told Cami to hurry up but I didn't want to make any sudden noise and startle her. After what felt like forever, Cami exited the bathroom and I ran in.

"I need to pee! Wear one of my clothes except for the ones I put on the bed, I'm going to wear that." I told her as I sprinted into the bathroom.

After I relieved myself I stripped my clothes off and headed into the shower. As soon as I did that, I realised that I didn't bring my towel or clothes with me but I was already wet and would just ask Cami to bring it in after I was done.

After what felt like the quickest shower possible, I turned the water off and looked at the towels that were hanging on the rack. They looked clean but I didn't want to risk it.

"Cami!" I yelled out as I walked over to the door, water dripping everywhere. "Can you pass me the towel?"

I was met by silence.

"Cami? Are you there?" I shouted, my voice louder this time.

I was greeted with silence again.

My heart began to race as I stared at the door. Why isn't she answering? Is she not there? If she's not there, where is she?

I looked back at the towels and grabbed one. I quickly dried myself and wrapped it around me. Even though I wasn't dirty I felt like I needed another shower. Just as I was about to open the door, I heard some noise and it sounded like someone was entering the room.

I pulled the door open aggressively. "Why did you leave the ro-" I froze when I realised it wasn't Cami who entered the room.

It was the Alpha Alessandro.


A/N: I hope you guys liked the chapter

Let me know what you think is going to happen next

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-Kayy xx

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