She's Still My Daughter.

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Set in the future. Mia has done some digging on Earth X Kara and she's found some interesting information. 

Hall of Justice, Future.

Kara was sat in a simple yellow dress with a brown belt at the head of the conference table. Barry and Iris were both sat to her right, while Felicity and Oliver were sat on her left. The group was talking and catching up.

K-"So what brings you four out of retirement and into the city?"

B-"We just wanted to check everything was okay."

Kara raised her eyebrows at Barry knowing he was lying to her.

K-"Gideon can give you an update you know, you created her for that exact purpose."

B-"I know but I miss the rush of an alarm going off and saving people."

F-"You never know, they may need our help."

K-"Okay number one don't jinx us and number two you don't trust me or your own children?"

F-"That's not what I meant."

Iris is about to comment before theirs a knock on the conference room door.

K-"Come in!"

The door opens to reveal Mia Queen, dressed in a grey long-sleeved dress and heels crying a tablet and a small book.

M-"I'm sorry to interrupt but I need to talk to you."

Everyone's interest is peaked as Kara nods her head, while Mia shuts the door and approaches the table, placing her items on it.

M-"Okay so you know how Snart sent us that package with information?"

K-"The one about Overgirl?"

Mia nods her head.

K-"Yeah, what about it?"

M-"Well, as we all know Nazis are a mysterious bunch so I done some research and some digging and I think I've figured it out."

I-"Figured what out?"

M-"Her life."

Mia picks up the small book in her hand.

M-"This was her diary, I had Gideon translate it. It has everything from the day she arrived on that Earth to the day before she died."

The group all look at each other incredulously before looking back at Mia.

O-"We're listening."

M-"Okay, so the first part of her story is pretty much the same, she arrived on the planet after being stuck in the Phantom Zone for 13 years. She was placed with the Danvers family. They were some of the best scientists in the Reich. Kara was immediately enrolled in an elite academy where she met her new team."


M-"Exactly, Kara met Oliver, Barry, Tommy, Thea and Laurel. Now these six were immediately chosen to for an elite team of soldiers. Kara got her powers from the sun, Tommy, Oliver and Thea were trained in archery and combat, Barry and Laurel got their powers from experiments. Now this team would train early in the morning to late into the night, routinely for months until it was broken."


M-"One morning Kara didn't turn up for training and alarm bells started ringing, They went to their command and Alex was immediately called in. She was questioned as were Eliza and Jeremiah but they claimed that they had no idea where Kara was. After a month of surveillance being placed on the Danvers they finally got what they needed. They had sold Kara out to a covert government organisation who has a passion for hating aliens."

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