I'm Scared

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Inspired by, WritersBlock039 To Life Being Full.

When Kara tell Oliver, Malcom, Slade and Laurel about what Psi made her experience, they are interrupted by a young boy. Who is he? How does he know Kara? How can they help?

Kara was whispering in Kryptonian, her arms crossed over her chest, when she heard the door to her apartment open.

O- "What are you doing?"

K-"It's a Kryptonian meditation,"

Kara scratched the back of her head as Oliver walked up. He wasn't alone, she noticed – Slade, Malcolm, and Laurel were with him, too.

K-"We say an ancient mantra to strengthen the mind."

L-"Do you do it often?"

K-"No, I've never felt like I needed it."

Oliver nodded thoughtfully.

O-"Winn's still working on the psychic dampening technology,"

"Mmm," Kara nodded absently.

O-"And Lena mentioned there's something we need to talk about?" he raised an eyebrow.

K-"Did she?" When Oliver remained silent, she groaned. "She told you, didn't she?"

M-"In case you were wondering, we didn't need to ask," Malcolm held up his hands. "She only said we'd need to talk."

K-"Look, I didn't want you to worry," Kara sighed, standing up and walking to get a drink of water.

O-"I'm pretty certain 'worry about your girlfriend' is one of the very first bullet points under the job description of 'boyfriend,'"

S-"Funny, that sounds about right for us, too,"

L-"And do remember that you fight the most dangerous and evil people on the planet,"

Kara closed her eyes, then turned back around. "I don't know how to fight this one," she admitted, walking back over. "And I should be able to stop her, but . . . but then she makes her way into my mind and . . . " She took a deep breath, sitting back down on the floor. "And forces me to relive the scariest moment of my life."

O-"Come here," Oliver sat down next to her, holding out his arm. She curled into him, and Oliver put his arm around her shoulders, watching as Malcolm, Slade, and Laurel sat on the furniture around them. "What did you see?" he asked gently.

Kara closed her eyes. "I saw . . . nothing, the first time," she answered slowly. "In the vault, I just felt claustrophobic. But when I went out with Malcolm and Laurel . . . she turned into my mother. And then I was in my pod, shooting into the sky . . . and Krypton was exploding around me."

L-"Oh, God,"

K-"But it wasn't just that, What was next . . . I don't understand it."

S-"What do you mean?"

K-"I could feel the heat, I could feel the fires, I felt like I couldn't breathe, not because of the confined spaces . . . but because it felt like I was in the fire."

O-"You're sure?"

"Yeah," Kara nodded, biting her lip. "It's torture." She looked up. "How am I supposed to deal with that?"

"Well," Laurel considered. "Remember your fears don't define you. You know, who you are is Supergirl. Who you are is Kara. That's what defines you, and she's got nothing on that."

"Who I am as Kara is feeling broken again," Kara mumbled. "Even Lena's realizing I can't do my job right now, which is new and horrible. It's like everything that's made me feel good, like . . . like a relief, is . . . it's disappeared."

"So this is what it's like to see you mope," Malcolm frowned. "I don't like it."

"Way to make her feel better," Slade scowled at him, but Malcolm tilted his head slightly in Kara's direction. When Slade looked back, he saw she had smiled slightly at their banter.

"Look," Oliver drew Kara's attention back to him. "It's not always going to feel like that."

"My life as Supergirl is one of the few things I can count on," Kara sighed. "I've got all of you, but that's my life as Kara. As Supergirl, I get to go out there and help people. I can make a difference in the world. I can feel strong, even though sometimes a huge part of me feels so weak, and she's taking that away from me."

"Hey," Oliver shook her slightly. "She is not taking that away from you. You are as strong as the people you have by your side. And you've got the biggest team, the biggest family, right there with you."

"If anything, by trying to take away Supergirl," Slade leaned forward, "she's just going to make sure we don't let you fall."

Kara couldn't help but smile slightly. "Best family ever."

"Damn right," Malcolm smirked at her.

Oliver kissed the top of her head then their was a gust of wind, that blew the curtains and a young boy appeared by Kara's dining table in a panic. Malcom, Slade and Laurel all stood up ready to attack when Kara rushed up to the boy in confusion,

K-"Johnathan what are are you doing here? Where's your glasses?"

J-"Um, I lost control and I didn't know where to go?"

K-"Do your parents know you're here?"

J-"Mom is away on a trip and dad's working. I lost control, and I don't want dad to shout at me, my friends are scared of me and I didn't know where to go, Aunt Kara what am I gonna do."

K-"Okay, number one you are going to sit down."

Kara pulled out a chair for Johnathan to sit down in, and he did.

K-"Number two you are going to tell me what happened then I'll phone your father to tell him to come and get you. Deal?"

J-"Deal. Um Who are they?"

Johnathan pointed to the four that were stood in Kara's living room looking confused.

K-"Oh right, Johnathan meet Oliver my boyfriend, Malcom and Slade my overprotective big brothers and Laurel my overprotective big sister. Guys meet my Cousin's son Johnathan."


M-"Your cousin as in-"


K-"Yep, now Johnathan tell me what happened?"

Johnathan proceeds to tell them all how he lost control, when he was finished and Kara had calmed him down she phoned Clark. within minuets Clark was knocking on Kara's apartment door. Kara let him in, Johnathan runs up to his dad and gives him a hug.

C-"Johnathan never do that again."

J-"Sorry dad."

C-"Don't tell your mother either, she'll kill the both of us. Thank you Kara for looking after him."

K-"It's my job."

C-"Lovely to see you all."

Oliver, Malcom, Slade and Laurel all nod at Clark as he leaves at Johnathan, Kara then joins the four back in the living room and sits in Oliver's arms.

They are sat contently and Oliver kissed Kara's head when his phone buzzed. What made him look up was when everyone else pulled out their phones, too. "Oh, great," he sighed. "Don't psychic bank robbers ever take a break?"

"Still can't believe we're actually saying that," Malcolm muttered as all of them got to their feet.

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