Well, well if it isn't...

415 10 4

Kara, Barry and Oliver arrive in Gotham City, they meet a friendly face. Well a friendly face to Kara...

Oliver, Barry and Kara walk into the abandoned building, looking at the destroyed walls.

B-"Any idea who bailed us out?"

O-"No clue."

Kara looked up to the floor above them to see a man on the balcony,

BR-"Well, well, if it isn't Kara Danvers."

K-"And if it isn't Gotham City's playboy Mr Bruce Wayne."

Oliver and Barry look in shock as Bruce comes down to join them

K-"Bruce meet my friends Oliver Queen and Barry Allen."

BR-"Ah yes The Green Arrow and The Flash.

B-"How do you know who we are?"

Bruce looks at Kara who smirks,

BR-"Follow me."

Bruce leads the way to an elevator with Kara behind him and Oliver and Barry following. They take the elevator to the basement of the building, when the doors open they reveal the Bat-cave. Barry and Oliver are both gobsmacked as they follow Bruce and Kara to the monitors where an elderly gentleman is sat.

A-"Mr Wayne, Miss Danvers."


K-"It's lovely to see you Alfred."

Alfred stands up to hug Kara and greet Barry and Oliver.

K-"Alfred meet Barry Allen and Oliver Queen."

A-"Lovely to meet you." He shakes both of the gentleman's hands as Bruce sits in the seat he was just occupying. "Mr Wayne, I'm going to run diagnostics please call if you need anything."

BR-"Thank you Alfred."

Alfred leaves as Bruce spins in his chair to face his guests.

BR-"So what brings you to Gotham?"

O-"Well we are looking for a man who has been experimenting on his patients brains. He goes by the name John Deegan."

BR-"He's a doctor at Arkham Asylum."

K-"Wait isn't that where?"

BR-"Yes, where The Joker is being kept."


Oliver looks at Barry in confusion before turning back to Kara and Bruce.

K-"I take it you won't be joining us?"

BR-"Sadly no, but I'm always happy to help a friend."

Kara smiles before she lowers her glasses and uses her x-ray vision to look around the cave with the boys watching her in curiosity.

BR-"I know what your looking for. I'll go and get it."

Kara replaces her glasses as Bruce walks into a dark corner of the cave,  Oliver leans into Kara whispering in her ear.

O-"What were you looking for?"

K-"A promise."

Oliver and Barry now look more confused as Bruce returns with a locked metal box, He places it on the table that the four of them gather around. Barry and Oliver on one side, Bruce and Kara on the other.

K-"If you open it, it won't..."


Kara nods her head as Bruce enters a passcode to open the box revealing a smaller box made out of lead. Kara lowers her glasses and tries to use her x-ray vision on the box. After a few moment she sighs and replaces her glasses allowing Bruce to reseal the box.

BR-"Only myself, Alfred and Kate know the passcode, don't worry nobody will get it."

K-"Yeah, that's not my only concern."

Bruce places an arm on Kara's shoulder, as she is clearly worried about something.

BR-"Hey, they won't be able to get access to it. They'll have to get through me and Kate, then the entire DEO and Alex and Lois to get to you and Clark. Stop worrying Printsessa."

K-"Okay we need to get going."

Kara stepped away from Bruce and smiled at the boys leading them back to the elevator.

K-"Thank you Bruce. Tell Kate I said hi. And if you ever need me, I'm just a call away."

BR-"Like wise ангел, like wise. Lovely to meet you Barry and Oliver."

O-"You too."

B-"Thank you."

Bruce smiled as the trio stood in the elevator waiting for the doors to close. The elevator ride was a silent one, as they were walking out of the abandoned building Barry finally decided to break the tension and ask his super friend the question he knew himself and Oliver were dying to know the answer to

B-"So... What's the story with you and Bruce?"


O-"Kara. He called you Princess and Angel in Russian."

Kara sighs,

K-"It's a long and complicated history. A story for another time, now, let's go speak to Dr Deegan."

Kara carried on walking through the streets of Gotham with Barry and Oliver following, unknown to them all, Bruce was watching them on the cameras, smiling, as Alfred came in with some papers,

A-"Their's no one like Miss Danvers is their Mr Wayne?"

B-"No Alfred their isn't."

Printsessa = Princess
ангел = Angel

Guys I'm running out of ideas for one shots, if you have any ideas or requests place them in the comments. If you guys would like me to do a part 2 to any of these one shots, I'm more than happy to.
If you guys would like a full story on Kara and Bruce then please let me know.
Thank You.

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