We Can't Let Fear Control Our Lives

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After their vow renewal in Season 7 Barry and Iris leave Central City for a few days, leaving the city in the capable hands of their son and daughter. However when they return they find not everything is how they left it.

Barry and Iris both walked back into STAR Labs after a short trip away. After they had renewed their vows, Caitlin surprised them with a trip leaving Nora and Bart in the past to look after the city with the rest of Team Flash allowing the husband and wife to take a few days off. Neither of the duo had been contacted by the team so they took that as a good thing, as they walked through the corridor of STAR Labs, they noticed how quiet the usual buzzing lab is. They stopped for a moment before they heard raised voices from the cortex.

Barry and Iris looked at each other before following the noise into the cortex. When they entered they saw Caitlin, Allegra and caster all sat by the monitors looking through to the med bay, Bart was stood leaning against the console looking through the medbay as well. In the medbay, Nora was sat cross-legged on the bed, staring at the wall in front of her. She looked pale and her eyes were red, and had a far-off look to them. The group in the cortex continued their conversation not noticing the husband and wife duo had joined the room.

BART-"Okay, so we know it's nothing to do with the speed force because she isn't writing those symbols."

C-"It's nothing medical, because all the test results are fine."

A-"When Nora collapsed she was unconscious for 1hr before she regained consciousness and ever from that moment she's become mute, so maybe we shouldn't be asking what's wrong with her, maybe we should be asking what she saw."

CH-"You mean, you think Nora saw or lived through something that's caused her to shut herself off."

A-"That's exactly what I mean."

C-"How are we supposed to find out what she saw? We've all tried but she won't speak to any of us."

BART-"Let mom and dad try."

A-"That would be amazing if they were here..."

Bart raised an eyebrow causing the other three to turn around, they were met with the confused and concerned faces of Barry and Iris.

BART-"Nora won't open up to any of us that might be because she can't open up to any of us, so let's see if she'll open up to her parents if not I have one final idea that might work."

Barry and Iris walk over to the med bay window looking at their daughter, the rest of the group watch them, before Allegra speaks.

A-"Do you want the full story or...?"

B-"No, we heard everything we needed to hear."

Allegra nods as Barry opens the door to the medbay allowing Iris to enter before him, he shuts the door behind him before sitting in the empty chair next to the bed. Nora, hasn't even acknowledged that her parents have walked into the room, she remains in her position, staring at the wall in front of her not moving a muscle. Barry and Iris look at each other in concern before talking to Nora.


Nora doesn't move, Barry leans forward placing his hand on her arm but Nora makes no attempt to interact with him.

After an hour of Iris and Barry trying to get Nora to open up they both leave the room, the rest of Team Flash is still sat in the cortex with worried faces.

B-"What are her vitals like?"

C-"Normal, what ever's wrong with her is not medical."

I-"How long as she been like this?"

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