What Are We Doing Here?

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What if when Nora came back in Season 5 of The Flash she came back with Bart. What if 'Because she loves him' is set before Nora and Bart return?When Bart has a nightmare, Nora makes the decision to tell her parents and others about that video. How will they react when two other people from the future join them?

As Iris was sat on the sofa comforting Bart as he had a nightmare while Nora was stood pacing by the loft window and Barry was watching her in concern. Nora knew that it was now or never so she stopped pacing and motioned for her dad to join her by the window.

Barry was quick to join his daughter, looking with concern for both her and her brother as he knew something was up.

N-"I need you and Mom to meet me in the Time Vault in one hour."

B-"Why? I don't think your mom's gonna leave your brother."

The father-daughter duo looked over at the mother-son duo, the latter falling asleep in his mom's arms.

N-"After a nightmare, he sleeps like a baby. Plus this is really important and he can't know."

Barry sighs knowing his daughter wouldn't be insistent on all this secrecy for no reason.


N-'I'm gonna go for a run. I'll see you there."

Nora sped off, the gust of wind behind caught Iris' attention as she looks up at her husband.

I-"Where's she gone?"

B-"For a run."

Iris nods as Barry joins her and his son on the couch and they parents watch as their son drifts back to sleep.

Meanwhile once out of the loft Nora, activates her gauntlet and sends a voice message.

'It's time. Meet me in the Time Vault in one hour.'

Once her gauntlet is deactivated she runs off again.


Barry and Iris are walking in the STAR Labs corridor towards the time vault.

I-"So Nora didn't say what she wanted us for did she?"

B-"No, but considering all the secrecy, it can't be good."


They stop by the Time Vault door and Barry places his hand on the scanner to let them in. When they enter they find Nora, Oliver and Felicity waiting for them inside.

B-"Oliver, Felicity."

O-"Barry, would you like to explain why you daughter has dragged us here in the middle of the night?"

B-"That's a very good question, even we don't know."

N-"In order to keep the timeline in tact we have to be very careful about the information you guys are going to find out."

F-"What information is that?"

N-"I'll tell you when the others have arrived."


Their's a sound as the Time Vault doors open again and two women step into the vault. Both have blonde hair, one slightly shorter that the other. The taller one is wearing a very recognisable suit, the other is wearing an emerald green suit. Nora rushes to greet the two.



Nora hugs the smaller blonde,

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