You Won't Loose Me

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Part 2 of 'Code Cyan' 

Requested by sillona20

Kara talks with Clark, Alex and Oliver.

Once they had finished getting changed in the changing room Clark sat on the bench and motioned for Kara to join him. Kara sat next to him.

C-"I'm going to admit something that I don't usually admit."


C-"I'm scared for you Kara."

K-"I'm scared for me too Kal. I mean I've always known that their was something I was meant to do, but being killed by a Kryptonian. That's something I thought I would never say."

C-"I know Kara. We go out their everyday and every night in an attempt to keep evil from harming the people of this Earth and to use our powers for good and sure, we get knocked down sometimes and we struggle to get back up, but with the right people around us, we can. You see when ever I go into a fight I always fight with Lois in my heart. The people we love make us stronger. Now I saw you last year with Mon-el, you were happy. But the smile that you have when Oliver walks into a room or is even mentioned, is something I've never seen from you. So when you do fight this Kryptonian, fight with Oliver in your heart. He will give you the strength you need to fight with."

Kara smiles at her cousin before he pulls her into a hug.

C-"I'm proud of you Kara."

K-"I'm proud of you too Kal."

A While Later.

Kara was walking past the DEO conference room when she saw Alex sat inside their on her own. Kara knocks on the door and enters when her sister shoots her a smile. Kara closes the door behind her and sits on a chair next to Alex.

K-"You okay?"

A-"I don't know."

Kara remained quiet and waited for Alex to open up.

A-"Okay, I'm not okay. I'm angry and worried and scared. I mean how do we know your mom is telling the truth. She got this prophecy from a convicted Kryptonian criminal who's crimes were so bad that the prison that held them and landed on Earth was named after her. Why have we never seen this Kryptonian before? Where has she been all this time? Why is she revealing herself now? What if she isn't the Kryptonian the prophecy as on about?


Alex stops her ranting to look at her younger sister.

K-"I know your scared, but if theirs one thing I have learnt, it's that Kryptonian prophecies always have at least a small amount of the truth if not the whole truth. The prophecy that Jindah Kal-Rozz told my mom about is the truth and their is nothing we can do to change that."

Alex looks at Kara with tears in her eyes.

A-"I don't want to loose you."

K-"You won't I promise."

Kara stands up, and brings Alex into a hug. They stay like that for a few minuets before Alex pulls away.

A-"Okay no more crying. We're the Danvers Sisters, we are strong and capable. Now let's go and find this woman so you can kick her ass."

Kara giggles at her sister before following her out of the conference room.

That Night

Kara turned off all her bedroom lights and climbed into bed with Oliver, the moonlight shining through the window being their one source of light. She instantly cuddles into him and he wraps his arm around her. Kara notices that his grip is a little tighter than normal, not that it hurts her, but she knows why that is.

K-"I can hear you thinking."


K-"What's wrong?"

O-"I'm thinking about how to kill a kryptonian."


Kara immediately sit up to look at him, the moonlight illuminating them both.

O-"Kara, I know you have a no kill policy but I can't help but wonder that you loose this fight because you won't kill her."

K-"Oliver, my guess is the fact that she's kryptonian means that she vulnerable to the same things I am-"


K-"Exactly. So either way, I die."

O-"I've had my fair share of death but Kara you shouldn't die. Your supposed to outlive me. Im not supposed to watch you die, it's supposed to be the other way around."


Kara's voice is soft, almost like a whisper as she places her hand on his face to caress his cheek.

K-"Everyday we go out their and be Supergirl and Green Arrow, we put our lives on the line. Their is always that guarantee that one of us, Rao forbid both us don't come back. It's part of our job. You know that."

O-"I just don't want to loose you."

K-"You won't, I love you."

O-"I love you too."

Kara smiles before leaning down to kiss Oliver, she then repositions herself back into the position she was in earlier before they both drift off to sleep.  

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