These Walls Hold Our Pain and Anger

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Set in Nazi Germany. Kara goes to a fight, but it leads to an event that causes Kara to show weakness.

Kara (Overgirl) walked into her's and her husbands quarters. She took off her gloves and cape and placed them on her dresser. She collapsed onto their bed, tears streaming down her face as she thought about the day


Kara and Oliver had been stood in the command centre watching the monitors, when an alarm blared alerting them to the problem,

O-"What is it?"

S-"A fight has broken out in a shop, they've requested extra assistance, sir.

K-"I've got it."

Oliver turned to Kara, both of them silently communicating with their eyes before Kara turned, activated her mask and took off from the balcony. Oliver watching on the monitors with worry for his wife and their unborn child.

Kara flew to the fight and when she got their, the street was in a mess. Glass had been smashed, things were being thrown, people were screaming and shouting. Kara hovered above the crowd as her shadow was cast over them, causing them all to stop and look up at her.

K-"What is the meaning of this?"

Nobody dare defy the General so they all remained quiet while a soldier spoke.

S-"Someone has been accused of stealing."

As the soldier finished the chaos started again, Kara was about to re-command their attention when an object was thrown and it hit Kara in the stomach and threw her 10 feet away into the street. The sound of the impact and the ground cracking was enough to silence the entire street. Kara stood up and hovered back into the air before commanding the soldiers,

K-"Arrest anyone who became violent."

S-"Yes General."

The soldiers soon arrested almost entire group while Kara took off back to HQ. When she landed on the balcony she deactivated her mask and walked over to her husband. As she stopped she felt a pain in her stomach, but didn't acknowledge it.

O-"Are you okay?"

K-"I'm fine, I'm gonna go and check on the new prisoners."

Oliver nodded as Kara walked away but she didn't go down to the cells, she went to Dr Jones' medical area, she knocked on her office door and walked in

DJ-"General, I wasn't expecting you, how can I help?"

K-"Could you check my baby, I was just in a fight and an abject was thrown into my stomach and it through me 10 feet through the air."

DJ-"Of course have you felt any pain?"

K-"Yes and it's getting worse."

DJ-"Okay, if you could put on a hospital gown then get on the bed, we'll have a check."

Kara nodded and put on a hospital gown and got onto the table. Dr Jones, took the ultrasound and had a look at Kara's womb. After a few minuets Dr Jones' face became somber as she turned the ultrasound machine off. Kara wiped the gel off her stomach and put her suit back on before Dr Jones spoke again.

DJ-"I'm sorry General but you're having a miscarriage."

Kara stared at her for a minuet or two before she spoke again

K-"How long?"

DJ-"It's gonna take up to 24 hours for the foetus to pass through, so you could expect bleeding and pain. You can take some pain medication to handle the pain. Come back and see me in 24 hours so that I can check that theirs nothing left you uterus as it can cause infection. If the pain becomes unbearable or the bleeding becomes substantial come and see me sooner. Now I think you should get to your chambers you need rest, I'll inform the Fuher of the situation."

K-"Okay, thank you Dr Jones."

DJ-"Not a problem General."

Kara left the doctors office and headed back to her room.

Meanwhile Dr Jones' called Oliver into her office,

O-"Dr Jones what's the problem?"

DJ-"I'm sorry Sir, but I have something to tell you."


DR-"It's the General, sir?"

O-"What about her?"

DR-"I've sent her back to your chambers sir but she shouldn't be alone."


DJ-"She's having a miscarriage sir."

At the word 'miscarriage' it was like Oliver's world had stopped. He didn't show it on his face but inside it was like someone had ripped out his heart.

O-"Thank you Dr Jones."

DR-"Not a problem sir."

Oliver left the doctors office and headed to their quarters.


As Kara finished thinking about the day she placed one hand other stomach and the other over her mouth in an attempt to cover her sobs as she slid off the bed and collapsed onto the floor.

When Oliver entered their quarters, the sight he saw broke his heart even more. His wife was sobbing uncontrollably on the floor next to their bed. He quickly took of his hat and gloves before rushing over to his wife and pulling her into his arms. This display would never be seen outside their chambers, outside these four walls they needed to be strong and invincible, but inside they could be weak and vulnerable, they could share their burdens with each other and that is exactly what they were doing.

They stayed on the floor for a while until Kara's sobs had subsided. Once they did, Oliver maneuvered them to the bed, keeping Kara in his arms as he did so. Once they were comfortable on the bed, Kara spoke up

K-"I'm sorry." It was so quiet Oliver could barley hear her but he did

O-"What for?"

K-"For being so weak."

O-"Hey, their is more strength in you than in this entire planet."

K-"Well, I don't feel very strong. I'm losing our child Oliver."

O-"And it's not your fault. We will get justice for our child, don't you worry about that."

Kara eyes filed with tears again as Oliver kissed her with so much love and passion.

O-"Ich liebe dich, schätz." (I love you, treasure.)

K-"Ich liebe dich, liebling." (I love you, darling.)

As Kara cuddled into him, Oliver vowed to himself that he would get justice for Kara and their child.

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