It's Complicated.

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Second part to 'Well, well if it isn't...' Clark, Kara and Lois explain to Barry and Oliver the history between Kara and Bruce.

Full book coming soon.

Kara walked into the Speed Lab to join Barry, Oliver, Lois, Clark, J'onn, Cisco and Brainy.

K-"So this is becoming an annual thing, huh?"

B-"God, I hope not."

Barry and Kara walk towards Oliver, J'onn, Lois and Clark

K-"It that a... Are you smiling?"

O-"I actually kinda like you guys. Don't tell anyone."

B-"So do you guys want to tell us what happened between you and Bruce?"

K-"Well, before I lived in National City, I lived in Gotham City. Clark introduced me to Bruce, Diana and Kate. Bruce and I started dating a few months later."

O-"Diana and Kate?"

K-"Diana is Wonder Woman and Kate is Bruce's cousin also known as Batwoman. Anyway, on my way back from visiting Eliza in Midvale, I was kidnapped by 'The Joker' He was Bruce's nemesis. He held me captive for days torturing and taunting me. Clark, Bruce, Diana and Kate came to rescue me. While torturing me 'The Joker' carved out a portion of my skin to prove a point. A few days after I was rescued Bruce came to talk to me and we had a discussion and Bruce didn't want to put me in anymore danger so we agreed to end our relationship. I then moved to National City."

O-"Okay but why end the relationship?"


C-"The day Kara was due to return Bruce was planning to propose, when 'The Joker' was sending videos of Kara in pain, Bruce couldn't take it. He shut himself off and refused to be in a relationship ever since.

B-"Sounds a lot like Oliver."


The group laugh at Oliver's reaction before Lois notices Kara rubbing her collar bone area.

L-"Okay, let's see it."


Lois walks over to Kara,

L-"I can tell on your face, you're in pain. Let me see."

Kara sighs because she knows not to get into a debate with Lois Lane, Kara moves the collar of her suit down to reveal a very large scar on her collar bone that's red and irritated.

L-"He really did get you."


O-"I thought Kryptonian's didn't scare."

C-"We don't but, he used a Kryptonite knife and a synthetic kryptonite called blue kryptonite. It cases permenant scars."

K-"I've been through worse."


B-"One more thing."


B-"What's in the box?"

K-"Oh, it's kryptonite."



K-"Their's several types of kryptonite, blue which Kal just mentioned, green which is fatal to us, silver which causes us to hallucinate out worst enemies and red which turns us full on evil. Bruce has access to kryptonite because if the worst were to happen and both me and Kal were infected by the red or silver kryptonite or one of us couldn't stop the other, he could use it to stop us."


K-"Now we need to get home."

J-"I hope to see you all again."

S-"Preferably, without giving Lois another reason to dive head first into danger."

L-"I dive where you dive babe."

Kara walks over to where Cisco and Brainy are talking

K-"Cisco, would you do the honours?"

CI-"Anything for my favourite kryptonian. That's right I have a favourite kryptonian."

B-"Good choice."

Cisco opens a breech and the Earth-38 gang stop in front of it and turn back to the remaining men,

K-"Until next time. Peace out from your favourite kryptonian."

Kara does a peace sign, before waving and following her group through the breech leaving Barry, Oliver and Cisco in the Speed Lab.

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