I Can't Find A Reason To Hate Her.

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Set at the end of Crisis on Earth-X.Alex and Kara reveal to Barry, Iris, Oliver and Felicity the situation back home with Mon-el.

Barry, Iris, Oliver, Felicity and Kara walked towards Alex as Sara and Mick walked away.

K-"You ready?"

A-"Yep, so ready."

O-"Thank you guys for everything."

K-"Thanks for inviting us to your wedding, sorry it didn't turn out the way you wanted it to."

I-"Well at least it was memorable. Where's Mon-el?"

Kara and Alex froze both looking at the other before Kara bows her head and Alex sighs.

F-"Who's Mon-el?"

K-"My ex."

F-"What happened?"

K-"Um, his parents invaded my Earth. In order to get rid of them I had to douse our atmosphere in lead. It's their version of kryptonite. I sent Mon-el away in my pod. Anyway that was 7 months ago. Then he came back. For us it's been 7 months but for him it's been seven years."

A-"He's sent seven years in the future. He was cured of his lead allergy. And ever since he's come back things have been... tough."

O-"Why do I sense their's more?"

Alex looked to Kara who just looked defeated.

A-"When he came back from the future he didn't just come back on his own, he came back with a wife."

F/I/O-"A wife."

Alex nodded her head. Iris looked at Kara with a sad expression.

I-"Oh honey."

K-"Her name is Imra, she's smart and beautiful and even though she looks like a Greek Goddess I can't find any reason to hate her."

A-"You gonna tell them how he introduced you to her or shall I?"

K-"Go ahead."

A-"Mon-el and Kara were talking on the DEO balcony when Imra woke up from the medbay and came towards Mon-el. He then kissed her in front of Kara before telling her Imra was his wife."

B-"He what!"

K-"Hmm. And to make matters worst, I'm Imra's idol."

O-"Can I kill him?"

A-"You can get in line behind me, Winn, James, J'onn, Clark and Barry first but yes you are more than welcome to hurt him."

F-"That's what she meant."

Felicity looks between the other five in realisation before her eyes land in Iris.


Iris looks at Felicity and her face shows signs of understanding as both women turn to look at Kara.

I-"Overgirl. When she and Kara were in the lab and we were in the vents. She said something that we didn't understand but now we do."

Felicity and Iris look between themselves and Kara who's eyes are showing sadness.

O-"Felicty. What did she say?"

Felicity doesn't answer so Barry tries asking Iris.


Iris doesn't answer either both women looking at Kara. Oliver and Barry look in concern at both the love of their lives and Alex. Alex getting the hint turns to Kara.

A-"Kara, what did she say in that lab?"

Kara takes a deep breath.

K-"She said 'Why do you care if I take your heart? You're not using it.' And you know what she's right I'm not using my heart. My heart became closed off when I put Mon-el in that pod."

A-"Kara. Look I know for the past few months that you have been struggling, but shutting off your humanity isn't the answer."

K-"Alex, I'm not human, I tried to be for-"

Alex cuts Kara off.

A-"No. You are not doing this. You are not cutting yourself off from humanity again. We are going to go back home and hold our heads up high because we are the Danvers Sisters and we can do anything."

Kara looks at Alex with stubbornness before she gives in and sighs.


Kara moves to look at Barry, Oliver, Felicity and Iris.

K-"You know where we are if you need us."

B-"Same here."

Kara and Alex move around the group to hug everybody before Kara pulls the extrapolator our of her pocket.

K-"Ready to get back to the salt mine?"

A-"As ready as I'll ever be."

O-"Thank you both for everything."

K-"No problem."

B-"Be careful."

K-"I'm always careful."

Kara smirks at the group before pushing the button to open the breech.

Alex and Kara both wave goodbye before stepping through. As the breech closes Felicity sighs.

F-"I hope she's gonna be okay."

I-"Of course she is, she's Supergirl."

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