No, no need.

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 Set during Supergirl 3x09.

When Kara receives a phone call, Mon-el and Imra want to come along.

Kara and Winn walk into the alien bar

W-"Yes, but if Alura doesn't know what it is, what makes you think anybody here is gonna know?"

K-"Well, someone if burning a Kryptonian symbol everywhere, so someone out there must know who it is."

Mon-el and Imra are sat at a table eating ribs, laughing. Imra notices Kara and Winn and grabs their attention.

I-"Kara, Winn."

M-"Oh, hey guys."

Both Kara and Winn turn around to face the married couple with fake smiles on their faces. Winn leans into Kara and whispers,

W-" So you want me to provide a distraction?"

K-"No, no need. Don't be silly."

The duo walks over to the couple and sit down opposite them.

W-"Hey guys."

K-"Hi. Oh, Imra you have umm..."

Kara points to the corner of her mouth indicating where Imra has sauce on her face, Imra tries to get it but misses so Mon-el gets it for her.

Kara and Winn share a look before Kara starts a conversation

K-"So are you settling in?"

M-"Yeah. You know Imra wanted to see what the times were like, so..."

I-"Everyone's been very kind so far. It's fascinating to see Earth this far back."

W-"Oh, yeah. This must be like medieval times for you."

I-"You eat things with your hands. So fun. Mon-el tells me there's a place in town where you can eat all the ribs you want. What did you call it? 'Food until you're full?'"

M-"Very close. It's 'All you can eat.'"


Theirs an awkward silence and looks are shared between Kara and Mon-el. Winn takes notice and decides to excuse himself and Imra.

W-"Have you had beer yet?"

I-"Does it go with ribs?"

W-"Come on. Come on, come on. Let's go."

Winn heads to the bar and Imra follows him.

M-"Hey, so how was your party?"



K-"How's your ship?"

M-"Broken beyond my understanding, so..."

K-"Oh. Well it sounds like we're having two very different weeks."

M-"Yeah. Yeah, hey, I forgot how much I miss this place. You know it's special."

K-"You did make a pretty mean club soda."

M-"I'm guessing that you probably steered clear of Aldebaran rum."

K-"Please do not remind me. That was..."

Both laugh at the memory

K-"You know, you are so lucky I didn't loose my job at the DEO that day."

Their attention is caught by Imra laughing with Winn at the bar.

M-"Hey, you know I'm really sorry. About us being here and how this must be really hard for you."

K-"No, no, no. You know what Mon-el, your wife is lovely. And you tow seem to really make each other happy. So..."

M-"Do you want to talk about it?"

K-"There's not really much to talk about."

Kara phone then starts to ring, Kara picks up her phone in confusion,

K-"I should get this. Hello."

"You have a collect call from the Albatross Bay Correctional Facility."

After a few minuets Kara hangs up the phone and looks to Winn and Imra.


Winn comes over to his best friend with Imra following behind him. Kara is standing up from her chair in a panic, causing her to loose her balance, Winn catching her just in time.

W-"Hey. What's wrong?"

K-"I just had a call from Albatross Bay."

W-"That's not good."

K-"Guess who wants to talk about that symbol?"

Winn looks at Kara confused for a few seconds before a look of realisation comes on his face.



Kara grabs her bag and coat Winn following behind her and they are about to head out the door when Mon-el speaks up

M-"Who's Coville?"

Winn looks at Kara who just nods her head slightly before Winn answers him.

W-"A sociopath who created a cult that worships Supergirl."


W-"Yeah and he knows who she is."

M-"That's not good."

K-"No it's not but please excuse us we really need to go."

I-"Can we come along?"

K-"I'm sorry but he only wishes to talk to me plus I don't think it's a good idea for you both to be in a prison."

Before they can respond Kara has walked out of the bar Winn hot on her heels.

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