I feel so useless.

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Inspired By WritersBlock039 To Life Being Full.

After Oliver's trial and her talk with J'onn, Kara leaves the celebration to get some air. When her fiancé wonders finds her, will he be able to give her the comfort she needs.

J'onn was half listening by the time Joe was explaining what was occurring in Central City. He had seen a flash of blonde slip out of the loft towards the balcony, and politely excusing himself, he manoeuvred through each of the teams to step out onto the balcony.

He stopped and leaned against the railing, silently observing the lights of the city around them. He could wait as long as needed before something was spoken. When Kara finally did, her voice was thick with unshed tears. "You had to be Tommy Merlyn in order to create any type of reasonable doubt."

"I did," J'onn nodded, closing his eyes. "And I could feel the hurt from Oliver when he saw me. I didn't like it – "

"But you had to do it," Kara said bitterly, but J'onn knew the bitterness wasn't directed at him. "You had to be him because that's what it took to create doubt. And even then, Diaz had the judge and the jury completely on his side."

"He did indeed," J'onn confirmed.

Kara swallowed, looking down at her tightly clasped hands on the railing. "I can do a lot of things, J'onn," she said hoarsely. "I can punch through steel. I can see through walls. I can fire lasers from my eyes and breathe ice into the air." She closed her eyes, shaking her head. "And I can't do a thing about politics in Star City."

"Kara," J'onn moved closer.

"All of my fights in National City have been physical," Kara choked out, holding up her hand. "I'm a reporter, but with how deep the corruption in this city has gone, there's no way my voice could do anything. Oliver may not be a Kryptonian, but he has the weapons to go up against them. Here . . . I have nothing to use to help."

"You being here was enough, Kara," J'onn told her.

Kara laughed, reaching up and wiping tears from her eyes. "I wish I could have done more."

J'onn silently shook his head. "Sometimes I wish I could show you what I see," he said. "And you would see just how fiercely your fiancé loves you. Anyone in the multiverse would be lucky to have someone love them even a tenth of how Oliver loves you. You have been his strength this entire time. You are what kept him fighting. Nothing meant more to him than that."

Kara closed her eyes, leaning her head on her hands. "So why do I feel that wasn't enough?"

J'onn's heart broke for his surrogate daughter, who was trying so hard to still be so strong. "Hey, come on," he extended his arms. Kara gratefully flung her arms around him, and J'onn hugged her tightly. "Because you love him," he answered simply. "And because of that, you will always want to accept nothing less than more than enough."

He felt Kara nod against his shoulder in agreement. "I love him so much," she gasped out. "And if one thing had gone wrong today, I could have lost him."

"But you didn't," J'onn reminded her. "And nothing like that is ever going to tear you apart again."

Kara pulled away and looked at J'onn, she took a deep breath before speaking  "I'm gonna go and get some air" she pointed up to the night sky as J'onn nodded watching Kara take off. J'onn made his way back inside and was looking around the room when he found who he was looking for, he headed over to where Sara, Oliver, Clark and Barry were talking. All four of them noticed him waking up to them so they all turned to him. He stopped in between Oliver and Clark, Clark looking at him with a knowing look as he had heard the previous conversation.

"Where's Kara?" Sara asked as she looked around the room trying to find the bright and bubbly kryptonian.

"She's gone to get some air." J'onn replied looking at the four.

"Is she alright?" Oliver quickly asked, his concern growing for his fiancé.

J'onn and Clark both looked at each other, wondering what to tell him. "I think you need to go and talk to her." J'onn replied as Clark nodded his head.

"Okay." Oliver replied placing his drink on the counter and heading for the door, only to turn back when he heard Clark call his name,

"Oliver? The roof."

Oliver nodded and exited the loft and heading up to the roof. When he got their he found Kara sitting on the edge of the roof, looking at the city. Oliver walked up to her, sitting next to her.

"Angel? What are you doing up here?"

Oliver turns to face Kara as he saw her eyes red and tears streaks down her face



"About how useless I am when it comes to politics in Star City."

"What?" Oliver asked in shock

"I have x-ray vision, I'm bulletproof, I have heat vision, I have freeze breath, Rao, I can fly! But when it comes to politics here in star city, I can't do a single thing. You have lived in Star City your whole life, you have the tools and the power to fight the politics but I can't. I'm an alien who can do everything but I can't save you from dirty politicians." Kara exasperated as more tears ran down her face, Oliver pulled her into his side and she cried into his shoulder

"Kara, I may be human, I have been through hell, I have come back from the dead too many times to count and their has been only one thing that got me through it all, the people I love. The people who we love are the people who give us strength to fight and keep going on. Knowing that you're here waiting for me, and that you'll take care of William means more to me than you could ever know. You are my strength Kara, I fight for you and for William. The reason I fought so hard against the politicians is because I knew that you'll always be waiting for me. You are my strength, and I will always fight for you. So you are not useless here against Star Cities politicians, you are what gives me strength to fight them."

Kara looks up at Oliver as more tears run down her face, a smile now forming.

"I love you, Ollie."

"I love you too, angel."

Oliver pulls Kara in for a kiss before they separate and Oliver wipes stray tears from her face before he stands up offering her his hand,

"Now let's get back before the loft turns into a fighting ground." Oliver commented and Kara held his hand and allowed him to lead her inside both laughing at his comment.

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