We Have A Problem.

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When the youngest member of the Justice League makes a request. Supergirl, XS and other fulfil that request but then news comes in that makes the entire Justice League on the path of vengeance and justice. 

Justice Hall, 20..

Nora, Kara, Mon-el and Laurel are all sat in the command centre. Kara was working on an article, Nora working on a case for the CCPD while Mon-el and Laurel were playing a card game.

M-"How long are they going to be away?"

K-"Until the end of the week. This conference required all of them for some unknown reason."

Mon-el nodded his head while Nora groaned.

K-"What's up?"

N-"This timeline isn't matching up, but I'm just gonna take a break and come back with a fresh pair of eyes later."

Nora pushed the papers away from her as Laurel looked up from her cards and placed them on the table.

L-"Auntie Nora?"

N-"Yeah, Laurel?"

L-"You know because I'm not very well."


L-"Can we go to the past?"

This had now grabbed Kara and Mon-el's attention who both stopped what they were doing to look at each other and Nora before directing their attention to the young girl sat in-between them.

N-"The past? Why?"

L-"I want to visit, Grandma and Grandpa's."


Nora looked at Mon-el and Kara both who shrugged their shoulders as Nora turned back to her niece.

N-"Okay. But we can't reveal too much okay."

Laurel nodded as Kara wrote a note for Caitlin, and Nora and Mon-el worked on opening a breech. Once the breech was open Nora and Laurel went through first, Kara and Mon-el behind them.

Central City, 2019

A breech opened in the speed lab, allowing Nora, Laurel, Kara and Mon-el to step out of it.

K-"Where is everyone?"

N-"Let's check the cortex."

Nora headed towards the cortex, the rest behind her. When the entered the cortex, they found Iris and Barry both sat with their backs to the entrance looking at a computer screen.

N-"Please don't tell me your moping about me disappearing are you?"

Iris and Barry both jumped out of their skin before turning around to look at the four future heroes. Iris and Barry's faces both grew into massive grins before the trio ran to give each other a hug. After a few moments Barry redirected his attention to the other three figures in the entrance way.

B-"Kara, Mon-el what a pleasant surprise. And who are you?"

L-"I'm Laurel."

I-"Laurel as in?"

Nora nodded.

N-"Mom, dad meet your granddaughter Laurel."

Laurel was quick to use her speed to rush to her grandparents who both hugged the girl in shock before Laurel turned to Nora.

N-"Laurel, why don't you ask grandpa Barry to go and get the other two people you wanted to meet."

L-"Can you go and get grandpa Oliver and Grandma Felicity?"

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