I'm At Peace With It.

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This is set during Crisis on Earth-X. When captured by the Nazis Kara discovers something about her doppelgänger. What will Kara's decision be when she discovers Overgirl's secret?

Suitable for ALL AUDIENCES.

Oliver grunted as he regained consciousness, he looked around to see Sara, Alex and Jax on his left while Kara, Barry and Professor Stein are on his right.

O-"Is Everyone alright?"

S-"We're gonna have to work on your definition of 'alright' Oliver."

"Yo, Grey, you good?" Jax shouted.

PS-"It seems my retirement was somewhat tardy."

Someone claps behind them and they all turn around to see Thawne stood above them.

"Well, here we are. This is fun. For me. Not so much for you."
He turns to look at Barry and leans towards him
"All the times you've killed me, and now here we are and all I have to do is kill you once."

"Enough, Eobard, Enough." Overgirl shouts as she walks towards them.

"Hey, you might want to listen to her. We know that if you wanted to kill us you wouldn't have put these dog collars on us first." Alex sneered at Thawne.

"Now I know what it feels like to hate myself." Kara comments.

"Well Done." Dark Arrow announces as he walks towards them, Overgirl turns to face him

"It wasn't a problem." Overgirl then starts to falter and collapses to the ground with Dark Arrow catching her by the arm.

OV-"The pain, the pain. I don't know how much longer I can bear it?"

DA-"It's alright, it's alright. You're gonna be alright because we found her. We found her and now we have her. I love you. Now, very soon, this nightmare will be over, and I will take you home, so stand."

Overgirl takes a deep breathe before they both stand up simultaneously before turning to look at their doppelgängers. Dark Arrow looks at Thawne as he walks towards them.

DA-"STAR Labs is secure."

B-"If you hurt my friends..."

DA-"I did hurt your friends, I really enjoyed hurting your friends."

O-"Are they alive?"

DA-"Yes, yes, for now. We need your Kara's cooperation. Well we don't need it. It would be preferable. But for the time being you are more valuable as leverage."

A-"What do you want my sister for?"

OV-"To save my life, that's your little mission statement isn't it? Help people, save lives, well now's your chance."

T-"The general is dying."

A-"Her blood, she's been exposed to too much solar radiation."

OV-"Yes, like Icarus I flew too close to the sun."

DA-"But we can save her. We're going to save her. All we need is a new heart. And, luckily, on this planet, we found the perfect donor."

A-"You stay the hell away from my sister!"

OV-"Mmm. Such loyalty. My sister tried to kill me."

B-"That's why you stole the prism? So you could duplicate a red sun, weaken Kara, and cut into her?"

OV-"Can't make an omelet with invulnerable eggs."

K-"Wait." Kara looks at her doppelgänger now that the shock has worn off and points at Thawne and Dark Arrow. "They don't know."

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