Minishots in a Oneshot

Start from the beginning

Hm, this is a really dark forest. Maybe I should have brought torchlight with me. You have to understand that he's speaking Russian right now, and English is a far distance away from his brain's language speaking department currently. However, he's still speaking with an accent that usually shows up when sober RSFSR is speaking English, so he's thinking in Russian with a Russian accent, if that makes sense.

Commander always say that forest is dangerous, there are wolves, bears, lynx, leopard...many things that want to eat you. But there's also things that You can eat, like fruit, and mushroom. But then there's wolves, lynx...forgetting something. Something with glowing eyes like those in the forest right now., singular. Bear.


He snapped back to a sense of coherency and focused on those two glowing dots in the forest again, blood running cold(Oh the irony) as he followed the shape of the large shadow behind them, find himself standing only a few feet away from a Siberian brown bear, its breaths huffing out white into the air.

"Oh fuck." RSFSR breathed out, staring wide-eyed at the bear that was probably twice his size and thrice his weight, jumping slightly when it took a step forwards, one gigantic paw with huge claws crunching over the snow. The bear huffed and made a low growl, the fur under its muzzle frozen with tiny icicles.

Boy what would he give to have a rifle right now. Or any form of weapon. He stared right back at the bear and patted his pockets for anything, a knife, or even something he could use as a distraction. Nothing.

So he simply thought of the next best thing, balled up his fists and held them up, shifting into a fighting stance in the snow uncertainly. The bear only looked at him, its eyes glowing in the darkness as it sniffed the air again, white fangs glinting in its mouth.

"I didn't sign up to fight a god damn bear." RSFSR groaned to himself as it took another step forward, starting up his reconsideration for joining military school again. Seriously one teenager versus a full grown bear it was hardly fair. But said teenager was drunk off alcohol. YOLO was his only mindset right now.

"Come on!! Fight me like a MAN!!" He yelled, stumbling slightly on his feet as his vision swam from alcohol. The bear growled again and stepped forward, low on its hunches and claws scrapping on the snow that continued to fall around them.

"You heard me!! Square up, сука!!" RSFSR squawked again, raising his middle finger on his right hand towards the bear while continuing to taunt it, which was a very stupid thing to do especially as the bear rose up onto its back legs, clearing at least 9 feet tall. That meant that it was ridiculously big and if you ever actually meet something like this in the wild you should run fast in the opposite direction.

"The fuck is that supposed to do?? I said fight me, not intimidate me!! DUMBASS!!" He shouted on in Russian, grinning wildly(deliriously) from the freezing cold and his alcohol-induced accelerated heartrate pumping on overdrive to keep him alive.

The bear did not liked to be called a dumbass. It let out a terrifying roar that echoed off into the forest, and then got pelted in the face by a snowball.

"AHHHH. How'd you like that?!!" An equally terrifying drunk Russian screamed right back at it, reaching down to grab another fistful of snow to pack it tight between his hands. The bear grunted as it got hit again, and again, fangs bared and heading straight towards him.

It charged head first at him, and by some miracle (He actually just slipped on some snow) he dodged and rolled away with his arms braced around his head, popping back up on the side. RSFSR tackled the bear, which really didn't do anything, the bear was over 400kg from winter coat and fat.

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