"Oh my god, do you think they know?" Cami whispered.

"No they don't and they don't actually have any proof of us doing anything or else we wouldn't be here. They can't keep us here for long, we just need to stick it out for a week or so and then we can leave."

"I don't know if I can do this. I'm so scared."

"You can do this and you will." I reassured her. "Come on, lets just listen to what they say for now and we can leave or escape. We won't be here forever and once we're out of here, we'll go somewhere far away where no one can take us again."

"Do you have your phone on you?" I asked as I searched my pocket for mine. I had a lot of missed calls and messages from Uncle Tom. Cami handed her phone over to me and I clicked on the screen and noticed she also had missed calls and messages from him.

"I'm going to reply back to him and tell him we're okay but not to contact us." I told Cami ask I unlocked my phone and started typing.

We're in Alpha Alessandro's pack house but we're okay. I'll send a message once a day to let you know we're safe. If there's anyway you can get help and get Cami out of here, please do it. Focus on Cami for now, I'll be fine.

I switched the phone off and did the same to Cami's one. "We'll only use it for emergencies. I doubt they're going to give us chargers to charge our phone. Plus we might not be allowed to have phones so we need to keep it hidden."

I put the phones in my pocket and looked towards the room. "It's not that bad Cami, we're okay and we're not hurt. It could have been worse. We're going to be fine." I tried my best to reassure her and she gave me a weak smile.

I didn't tell Cami exactly what happened between me and the Alpha, I didn't want to worry her or make her feel guilty. I knew how much she was beating herself up about the situation we were in but this wasn't her fault. The blamed lied on one person and he was dead.

We had to do as they asked for now, we had to play along. Hopefully Uncle Tom could do something and get Cami out of here. She was underage, that could work to our advantage. I knew she wouldn't last long here and if everyone in the pack thought we had something to do with the Alpha's cousin they would question or harasses us and Cami would break.

Once Uncle Tom got Cami out of here, she would have to stay as far away as possible from this and disappear. It's the only way she would survive and I needed her to be okay. It was my job to look after her and that's what I'm going to do.

The room wasn't as cold and as suffocating as the other room. The wardrobe had some jumpers and jeans in and the chest drawer was empty except for the digital alarm clock on top of it. I went into the bathroom with Cami who was too scared to go on her own.

The bathroom was a lot bigger than I had expected and surprisingly clean. There was a medium sized sink, toilet and a shower area that had a shelved unit that contained some shampoos and shower gels.

There were basic toiletries in the bathroom but neither of us wanted to use the shower, mainly because we didn't want to use the towels that were hanging on a rack without washing it first. We did however use the new toothbrushes and toothpaste.

I could tell how frightened Cami was but she was trying her best to put on a brave face. She remained silent as we did everything, only talking when I asked her questions. I didn't want to overwhelm her so I spoke to her when I needed to.

We stayed in the clothes we were wearing, took our shoes and sock off and got into the single beds. Thankfully the beds were close to each other so it didn't require too much effort to push them together. The beds were hard and the bedsheet and duvets were stiff and I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep.

As I laid next to Cami, I wrapped my arms around her, praised her for her strength and encouraged her to continue and not to give up. I told her about my plans, what we would do once we got out of here. The places we would visit and how much fun we would have. We wouldn't have to worry about anything, we would be stress free and enjoying life.

Cami fell asleep within a couple of hours and rolled onto the other side. I looked at the clock on the bedside table and groaned when I realised it was 2:00am. We had been in bed for four hours now and I still hadn't fallen asleep.

I closed my eyes and tried to clear my mind but nothing was working, all I could think of was Alpha Alessandro. His behaviour was puzzling and I didn't know what to make of it. Don't get me wrong, he was a prick and I was scared of him but not as much as I thought I would be. Everyone feared him, including Alpha Elias so now that we were here I was expecting him to be more...different.

Everything about him confused me and what confused me even more was my reaction to him. Why was my body reacting to him like that? Was I that depraved that the touch of a psycho Alpha made my knees weak?

After what felt like hours, my eyes finally began to feel heavy and I could feel myself drifting.

Just as I was about to nod off, I heard the door open. I remained still and kept my eyes closed, thinking it was probably Lisa checking to see if we were sleeping. I expected to hear the person leave and the sound of the door closing but instead I heard footsteps.

Someone was in the room!


A/N: I hope you guys liked the chapter

Who do you think is in the room? 

Let me know what you think is going to happen next.

Thank you to everyone who reads, comments and votes. I really appreciate your support!

Next chapter will be up this weekend but you can read ahead and up to chapter 41 on www.patreon.com/kayy_b 

Thank you for reading! 

-Kayy xx

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