Sasuke appears! [20]

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Gaaras PoV:

Sasuke Uchiha still hasn't arrived, I'm getting impatient. I want to fight him. I want to.. I want to kill him..

Y/Ns PoV:

I looked up to Gaara, I had a strange feeling that something was wrong with him. I wish I could ask him, but his brother wouldn't let me speak to him. He kept saying "if you want to live, you better not talk with him right now."

I just shrugged and followed Naruto down to where Shikamaru was. I noticed the Hokage discuss something with one of the chunin responsible for the exams, before one of them appeared next to Genma and whispered something into his ear.

"Alright, we'll wait ten minutes. If Sasuke Uchiha does not arrive until then, he will be disqualified." He explained. I noticed that Naruto started to get a little nervous, and I get why. His best friend might be disqualified from the chunin exams after all.

༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ

We've been waiting for ten minutes now, Sasuke still isn't here. "Where the hell is that idiot?!" Naruto complained.

I gently laid my hand on his shoulder and shot a slightly concerned smile at him. "Don't worry- he'll come!" I'm not sure if he will, but staying positive is the best I can do for Naruto and myself right now.

The proctor looked down at a little watch and then back up. "Ten minutes are over, Sasuke Uchiha is here by-" He got cut off as a small tornado of leaves appeared on the middle of the arena, revealing Kakashi-Sensei and Sasuke, standing back-to-back with each other.

"I hope we're not too late.." Kakashi said, and sweat dropped.

"Nope! You're just in time!" I smirked and glanced over at Naruto who had a impressed look on his face.

"Sasuke! You still want to fight me, right?" He asked.

"Of course, did you win?" Duckbutt replied swiftly.

"You bet I did! Believe it!" The short male smiled.

"Alright, everyone that isn't fighting, please go back upstairs." The proctor explained and Naruto, Shikamaru and myself started to head back upstairs.

"Who do you think is going to win?" I asked, with my right index finger on my lips as I glanced up at the ceiling.

"Sasuke, of course!" Naruto exclaimed. He had his eyes closed and both of his arms behind his head as he was walking.

Shikamaru just pouted and looked to the side, he didn't really seem like he wanted to continue this conversation. His face was saying 'what a drag' and that was already enough for me to know that we wouldn't be getting a reply from him.

As we alles up the stairs, Shikamaru stopped me and Naruto by grabbing our wrists, both of them looked down at him with a confused look on our faces. We quickly noticed that he stared in the other direction, towards the dark hallway that led up to the tribune.

I'm that corridor, we spotted a certain crimson-red haired boy with a gourd on his back. Two other men were standing in front of Gaara and saying something to him, before a wave of sand shot towards them. He quickly crushed one of the two males with his sand while the other ran towards us, screaming out for help.

Everyone was frozen in fear as the other male got grabbed by the ankle and dragged back before getting his body crushed from the sand as well. The redhead walked towards us again, slowly, without saying a word. That look on his face.. it was so.. cold. He didn't even hesitate to kill those men.

Gaara slowly walked past us, it was like there was some dark aura around him which was now suffocating us and stopping our movements.

As soon as the male was gone, all of us sunk to our knees, panting heavily gasping for air.

'What just happened-' I thought to myself as I held my hand against my throat.

A short second later my eyes widened and I got back up, sprinting back out to the tribune. Shikamaru and Naruto were left on the stairs, still completely in shock.

I leaned against the railing as my eyes searched the arena for the redhead. There he was, slowly walking out of the shadows with his head pointed downwards to the floor. He stood in front of Sasuke and slowly turned his head up, they made eye contact and suddenly I was able to spot a mischievous smirk on Gaaras face.

"Oh no-" I said quietly before looking to the left and right, then spotting Temari and Kankūro. I dashed over towards them and looked right at them.

"What's wrong with him-?" I asked, my voice was shaking slightly as I pointed down at Gaara.

"He's well- he's just really been wanting to fight Sasuke Uchiha for quite a while now. The demon in him is-" Kankūro got cut off when Temari gave him a strong smack on the back.

"Is- what?" I asked, raising up one eye brow and putting my hands on my hip.

"Oh- eh- n-nothing-" Kankūro replied, waving his hands around in front of him as a tear of sweat ran down the left side of his face.

I shrugged and looked back down to the male with the red hair and the young Uchiha.
My grip on the railing tightened a little as I tried to figure out what was going on inside of Gaaras head.. was I that worried about the male? Maybe..

'Ugh, why am I even worried about him now? I- barely know anything about him at this point.. I know, I'll talk to him after all of this is over.' I thought while still keeping a close eye on the match that was going on in front of me.


Hey hey guys! I know I haven't posted for quite a while now- but I just didn't have any motivation, nor any ideas of how to continue.. I do have quite a lot of ideas for what will happen in the story later on, but this part right now is- a little hard for me to do. I want to enable reader to take part in the whole part where Naruto changed Gaara.. but we don't want reader to just be standing there and do nothing, right? That's why, I'm currently trying to figure out a way to let reader act throughout this part. I don't want them to just pass out either, because that would be boring.
But I'll try my best! So stay tuned for the next few chapters!

Also, I'm working on a new story! It's a Xiao x Reader story (Highschool AU) I'm not going to spoiler anything about that story yet though ;)
So, be sure to check that out incase you're interested!

Anyways, have a good day/night!
Goodbye my lovely readers!

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