Go Go! Naruto! [18]

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Y/N's PoV:

"Y/N! Wake up already!" I heard my elder sister yell as she rapidly shakes my body. My eyes slowly began to flutter open as I look at her crystal-blue eyes.

"What.." I grumble as I pull the blanket over my head to shield myself from the sunlight that came in through the window.

"You're going to be late for the chunin exams!" She panicked as I felt some clothing land on top of the blanket.

"Whate- Wait what?!" I yell and quickly sit up, noticing that Yui had already left the room. My ninja outfit was already laying on my bed, probably because Yui put it there.

I got up and take off my shirt, to put on the shirt from my ninja outfit. I put everything on before I tie my headband around my neck.

I rush to the bathroom and brush my hair, then I brush my teeth and wash my face. I put my hands on my hips and smirk at the mirror.

'Let's do this!' I jump down the stairs and quickly pick up a sandwich that my elder sister put there for me. Seeing as she was already gone, I assumed that she already left to watch the chunin exams.

I sprint out of the door and suddenly collide with someone. "Aye! Watch where you're going, ya know!" I hear a familiar voice say.

I look up to see a boy with yellow hair, sky blue eyes and three whisker-like markings on each side of his face.

"Hey Naruto!" I said cheerfully as we make eye contact. "Y/N-chan!" He replied and quickly helped me up.

"How are you? Are you ready for the exams?" He asked as he shot a bright smile at me which made a smile appear on my face as well.

"I'm good and yes I am!" I replied as I grab his hand and start to drag him towards the arena.

"Hurry Naruto! We're going to be late!" I said as I ran faster, still dragging him with me.

All of a sudden, we crashed into a short, brown-haired boy with a blue scarf around his neck and a helmet as well as a pair of green goggles on his head.

"Oh my- Konohamaru are you okay?" I asked as I helped the boy back to his feet. A small blush appeared on his cheeks as he nodded quickly.

"Yes! I'm fine Y/N-chan! Boss, why're you and Y/N-chan still here? Shouldnt you be at the arena already?" He asked curiously.

"Well- yeah- that's where we're heading right now-" Naruto panted as he leaned onto his knees.

"I know a way that'll get you to the arena a lot quicker!" Konohamaru exclaimed and raised his fist into the air.

"Ehh- yeah- I'll pass-" I said as I quickly turn around and continue to sprint towards the arena.

"See ya Konohamaru! Are you coming Naruto?!" I yelled as I waved back at the two perverts.

"I'll go with Konohamaru!" Naruto replied. I shrugged and continued to sprint to the arena.

As soon as I arrive at the arena, I got greeted by two chunin that were guarding the entrance. I bowed at them a little before I ran inside. Almost everyone was here already, except three people.

Sasuke, Naruto and Dosu. Now, I know why Naruto isn't here yet, and I know that Dosu won't be coming. Simply because I saw Gaara kill him the night after the end of the preliminary matches..

<<Flashback to the night after the preliminary matches>>

I couldn't sleep so I decided to go for a little midnight walk. As I make my way through the dark streets, I turned my gaze up to the sky and started to gaze at the stars above my head.

Suddenly I spotted someone sitting up on a roof with one foot hanging off the edge. I jump onto a nearby roof as I look closer at who the mysterious person was.

They had a gourd on their back and by then I knew who it was.. it's Gaara.

I smile and get ready to jump over to him, as I spotted someone approaching him. 'That's.. Dosu?' I thought as my expression filled with confusion. I shrug as I started to watch the scene.

Dosu slowly approached Gaara and I can see that he said something, but I couldn't hear what he was saying.

Then Gaara jumped down and landed in front of Dosu. My eyes widen as Gaaras right side began to transform into something else, it looked like a giant hand, but with claws. I gulp when Gaara dashed forward towards the sound-nin. He stopped in front of Dosu and slammed his transformed arm down on the guy, killing him.

My mouth stood open in shock, while Gaara transformed back and looked down at the now dead Dosu.

I quickly turn around and run off in the other direction, back home.

<<Flashback end>>

Yeah, that was why Dosu wasn't here. Naruto should be getting here soon, but what happened to Sasuke? Wasnt he supposed to be here with us? Did something happen to him maybe?

I noticed that the proctor was just about to begin, Naruto still isn't here. I sprint over to the proctor and stand in front of him.

"Wait! Naruto still isn't here!" I told him with a worried look on my face. He shook his head and looked down at me.

"I'm sorry kid, but I'm afraid that if he doesn't get here in five minutes he'll be disqualified." The proctor told me.

My eyes widened and I looked back at the entrance. 'Damnit Naruto, why didn't you come with me? Ugh come on.. go go Naruto!' I thought to myself as I walked back to the others, standing next to Temari and Gaara.

I kept glancing over to the entrance until I finally spotted a familiar blonde boy. He sprinted inside and then tripped, causing him to fly into the arena and land face-first in the dirt.

I let out a sigh of relief while he got up and started waving his hands around in the air.

"Everyone run! There's a huge crowd of cows chasing me! They've all gone insane!" He panicked and I walked over to him, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Naruto, calm down there's not a single cow following you." I chuckled as he looked behind him with a questioning look on his face.

"Alright, now that everyo-" The proctor started but got interrupted by Naruto.

"We have to wait! Sasuke isn't here yet!" Naruto exclaimed and Genma shook his head again.

"Kid, I can't wait for him, people are here to watch and we can't keep them waiting forever. We have to start." He explained.

"Alright, now everyone look over here, there were some changes due to- some people leaving the exam." Genma said as he held out a sheet of paper.

I stepped forward and took a closer look at it. Since Dosu was- well- dead. I was now going to fight whoever wins in the fight between Temari and Shikamaru.

I sighed and looked over at the two, I was hoping that Shikamaru would win since Temari seems a bit stronger than him.

"Now, everyone except Naruto Uzumaki and Neji Hyuga, please leave the battle field." The proctor said and everyone headed towards the stairs.

I was walking behind Gaara when I noticed the strange aura he had around him. 'Something doesn't feel right..' I thought.

When we arrived upstairs, I stood a bit further away from the sand siblings. However, I still had an eye on them.

'What're they up to?'


A/N: Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! And thank you for reading!
Anyways, see ya! Stay safe and have a good day/night!
Goodbye my lovely readers!


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