The genin exam [2]

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'So those two are my new teammates, huh?' You thought to yourself as you walked towards the two boys, they turned their gaze towards you with a slight frown on their face.

"Hey." You said as you stood in front of them, they looked at you, then at eachother.

"Come on, we should go." Dai said as he turned around to face the door, he walked away and stopped in the door frame, looking back at you and Akiko.

Your other teammate grabbed your wrist and dragged you over to the door. Once you were standing there, you and your team walked out of the classroom and to the room where you'd meet your teacher at.

You followed your new teammates into the room you've been assigned to. There was an awkward silence between the three of you as you walked down the hallway of the academy.

Once you and the two boys arrived at the empty classroom, Dai and Akiko sat down on the teachers desk and swung their feet back and forth.

Meanwhile you walked over to the window and gazed up at the clouds.

After a few minutes had passed, a middle-aged man entered the room. He had his headband tied around his forehead and a few strains of his ash-blonde hair were hanging into his face. His eyes were shining in a nice emerald-green color and he had a slim smile spread across his face.

"Are you our Sensei?" Questioned Dai as he looked up and down on the man.

"Yes, I am. My name is Natsuki Ito. Nice to meet all of you!" He introduced himself.

Akiko groaned and looked away. 'Does He know Natsuki-Sensei?' You thought to yourself, but just shrugged it off.

"So, did all of you introduce yourselves yet?" Natsuki-Sensei asked as he let his gaze wander around the classroom.

One minute passed. Everyone was quiet.

"Alright, I'll take that as a no-" Natsuki figured and let out a sigh.

"You, over there. What's your name?" Your Sensei asked as he pointed over at you.

"My name is [Name] Anko." You quickly introduced yourself. You hated introducing yourself, it just felt weird saying your own name, but you did it anyways.

"I'm Dai Yachiro." Dai looked over at Akiko after he had finished introducing himself.

"Tsk. I'm Akiko Ito." Your eyes widened slightly. "Are you two brothers?" You asked Akiko.

All he did was roll his eyes and nod slightly in response.

'Well- family issues I guess-?' You thought as you heard another sigh from Natsuki-Sensei.

"Ok." You turned your gaze back towards your Sensei. "Follow me kids." He said as he turned around and walked out of the door.

You followed Natsuki-Sensei to a training area with a middle-sized pond, some trees on the middle of the area and surrounded by a forest, it had a large meadow as well.

"Alright, your job is it, to get all the way over there." Natsuki pointed to the other side of the pond. "Retrieve the scroll that's hidden there and bring it to me." He finished with a smirk on his face.

"That's easy." Dai said as he had his hands behind his head.

"Oh, by the way. There are traps on the way, you'll only be able to get the scroll if you work together as a team."

You all looked at eachother for a second before looking back at your Sensei.

"Ready.. set.. GO!" Natsuki-Sensei said, as you and the two boys started to sprint towards the pond.

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