Gaara vs Rock Lee! [14]

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No ones PoV:

The match between Neji Hyuga and Hinata Hyuga was over. The poor girl, beaten down, coughing blood, Neji really didn't go easy on her.

Naruto jumped down and ran over to Hinata, you could see her move her lips as she looked at Naruto and slowly closed her eyes. The blonde was getting mad.

"Why the hell did you do that for?!" He yelled at the brown haired Hyuga boy.

"A loser will always be a loser. You can't change that. I had to show her that she is a loser, that's how destiny wants it to be." He replied.

"Destiny this destiny that.. I don't care about that stupid destiny! She tried her best! She trained hard to get as strong as she is now! And you just beat her down without any mercy?!" Naruto yelled back.

"She wanted it that way. I told her to give up and that she couldn't win at the beginning of the fight, but she did not listen." Neji argued.

Naruto let out a light growl before he sprinted towards Neji, just to get stopped by Lee.

"Don't Naruto. It has been said that fighting is forbidden outside of a match. And wouldn't it be an epic fight, the loser defeats the genius with pure will power." Lee explained which seemed to calm down Naruto a little bit.

The blonde walked over to a puddle of Hinatas blood and put some of it on his fingers before he turned back around to look at Neji. He put his fist with the blood on it out and glared at the brunette.

"I vow to win!"

As soon as everyone was back at their place you turned your gaze back to the board as you waited for the results of who'll be fighting next. The only people that were left were You, Akiko, Gaara, Rock Lee, Choji and that weird Oto-nin. To be honest, you were kinda hoping that you wouldn't have to go up agains Gaara, seeing him in the forest earlier made you aware of his strength which probably already long exceeded the level of an average genin.

Suddenly you noticed that Gaara was standing down there on the battle field, it was his turn now. The person he was up against was Rock Lee.

You were interested in seeing them fight, especially because you knew that Lee only uses Taijutsu and Gaara mainly uses his sand.

"This is going to be interesting." Akiko said as he stood next to you, Natsuki-Sensei was in the back leaning against the wall and Dai was standing next to him.

"Begin!" The proctor shouted.

(I'm sorry if the fight isn't described exactly like it actually went down)

Lee dashed forward, sprinting towards the red haired male. The boy with the bowl cut jumped and threw a kick at Gaara, but that kick didn't reach the sand shinobi, instead he got blocked by a shield of dense sand which rose up from Gaaras gourd.

"Awesome.." You said quietly to yourself, amazed by the power and strength of the two of them. Lee continued to try and kick or punch Gaara, but he failed again and again.

I'm the meantime, Gaara just stood there without even moving a muscle. Suddenly, sand shot forward towards Lee and tried to grab him. The taijutsu user quickly jumped back to dodge it. Gaara let his sand flow over the ground towards Lee, to dodge it the black haired boy jumped back. Too late.

The sand got underneath his feet and he tripped landing on his back. A huge wave of sand build up and suddenly crashed down on the poor boy.

You gasped and leaned forward a little as your eyes scanned the area where Lee was at a few seconds ago. Akiko tapped your shoulder to gain your attention before he pointed up at the hand statue thingy.

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