A surprising encounter! [16]

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A few days after the matches were over, Akiko got discharged from the hospital and was now training with you.

"Try again!" The male shouted and threw the pebble he was holding up into the air.

You were panting and gasping for air when your gaze got dragged up to the flying stone. You shot forward and jumped up, getting further up into the sky with the help of your swift release technique.

A few inches were in between your finger tips and the pebble as you had to realise that you wouldn't be able to reach it once again. 'Wrong timing again..' You thought and gritted your teeth.

You turned around in the air so that you could manage to land on your feet when arriving back on the ground.

The ground came closer and closer by every second and you put your feet out to land. As soon as your legs touched the ground, you felt your knees slip away and your face collided with the dirt. Darkness.

A bit later your eyes slowly fluttered open again and you looked around, holding your hand against your forehead. 'Ouch- that really hurt..' shot through your head as you remembered the incident that occurred a few minutes ago.

You looked around and soon spotted Akiko sitting a bit further away from you, staring up at the clouds and eating a cherry red apple.

"What're you thinking about?" You said as you suddenly stood behind him. It startled him and he almost dropped his apple, managing to catch it in the last second.

He sound around and looked at you as a few veins popped up on his forehead.

"What the hell Y/N?! I could've dropped my apple!"

"Chill! Can you answer my question now?" You asked with an innocent look on your face.

"What question?"

You closed your eyes and facepalmed, shaking your head at your friends stupidity.

"You idiot, I asked what you were thinking about." You replied.

"Oh-eh- nothing-" He mumbled, avoiding eye contact. Akiko sweat dropped and a small blush appeared on his cheeks, making you more curious.

"Hmm.." You hummed and inched closer to his face. "Oh, do you have a crush on someone?~" You asked with a teasing tone in your voice.

The blush on his face grew wider as he backed away and waved his hands around in front of you. "N-no! Not at all! I don't like him!" He stammered without realising what he had said.

You gasped and your eyes sparkled as you jumped up and down. "Akiko has a crush! Akiko has a cru-" You got cut off as the male laid his hand over your mouth to stop you from yelling.

"Quiet down would you?!" He yelled quietly. "So what if I do like someone.. he doesn't like me back anyways.." He whispered and took his hand off your mouth, sitting back down. He rested his elbow on his knee and his head on his palm as he gazed up into the clouds again.

"He?! Who is it?! Tell me! Also does that mean you're gay?" You became more curious, second by second as you stared right into his emerald-green eyes.

He looked away to the side and began to fiddle around with his fingers. Akiko was getting quite nervous and you noticed it. You laid your hand on his shoulder and shot a closed eye smile at him.

"Don't worry, I support!" You said and calmed him down. The male relaxed and softly smiled at you.

"Thank you Y/N.. since I trust you not to tell anyone.. I might- uhm- I might have a small crush on Dai- but don't tell him!" The brunette stammered and put his hands in front of his face.

Your eyes sparkled full of excitement as you jumped around. "I ship it!"



"Don't.. he.. he doesn't like me back anyways. He likes you.. not me." Akiko said with a sad tone in his voice.

"I don't think so, I'm not even sure if he knows what it's like to truly be in love with someone. Just don't give up that easily, okay?" You replied and smiled at him softly.

"You know what, let's continue training, maybe that'll help you get to different thoughts." You suggested and the two of you headed back out to the training grounds.

To your surprise, someone was already there training. A boy with crimson-red messy hair and a gourd on his back, another male dressed fully black and with purple-red-ish make up on his face and a girl with dirty-blonde hair that was put up in four messy ponytails.

"That's Gaara and his siblings!" You said happily and wanted to run over to them, when you felt someone grab your wrist and pull you back.

"Are you crazy?! Didn't you see what they did during the preliminary matches?! They took down their opponent without any hesitation. The redhead almost killed Rock Lee!" The brunette exclaimed, making sure that the sand siblings don't hear him.

"But- I know them. They won't hurt us as long as we don't attack them or do anything to make them mad." You said and pulled your wrist away from the male as you slowly walked towards Gaara, Temari and Kankurō.

"Hey Gaara! Hey Temari! Hey Kankurō!" You said as you waved at them. They all stopped what they were doing and looked at you.

"Y/N? What're you doing here?" The blonde asked.

"I was training here before you guys got here.. but it's fine!" You replied as you stood in front of the female.

"So, how's it going?"

"Well-" Temari started and got closer to your ear. "It's sometimes a bit dangerous to train with him he could attack and kill us anytime if we do something to tick him off.." She whispered. "But otherwise it's going great!"

You gulped and looked over at Gaara, the redhead was gazing up at the clouds, still with the same loneliness and hatred in his eyes as before. You walked past Temari and stood in front of the short male, waving your hand in front of his face.

"Hey Gaara!" You said to gain his attention. He turned his gaze away from the clouds and glared at you.

"What do you want?" He said.

"Awh man.. I don't even get a 'Hey' or an 'how are you'?" You pouted, crossing your arms.

"Answer my question.." He grumbled as sand rose up behind him, making you back away a little.

"W-well- I was going to train by myself- but- now that you're here- maybe we could train together-?" You suggested as you began to sweat drop.

His sand was still circling around his body for a few seconds before it dropped to the ground and he turned around.

"Fine.." He said coldly, with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

Your eyes sparkled yet again as you dashed forward and engulfed him with a hug.

"Great!" You exclaimed with a bright smile on your face.

Suddenly Gaara pushed you away from him and turned away. "D-don't do that.. ever again.." The male said quietly as he avoided to look over at you.

You tilted your head slightly to the side and blinked a few times, then you just shrugged and looked at him siblings with a confused expression on your face.

What you didn't know was that, the face of the short boy had tinted a slight shade of pink. No one had ever given him a hug before, except you once or twice when you were kids. It was new to him.


A/N: Hey my fellow Gaara simps! I'm back with another chapter! I hope you liked this one, the next one is gonna be you training with Gaara :D it could get quite interesting.
Anyways, until then, see ya! Have a good day/night!
Goodbye my lovely readers!


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