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A/N: Hey guys! So I changed a few things about Y/Ns kekkei genkai and I'll be explaining that here. I also wanted to thank everyone that has read my book so far! Please, leave some comments about stuff that I could improve on, if you want and maybe even click on the little star- not me being to stupid to remember what people call that thing- :'D anyways.

Alright, Y/Ns kekkei genkai will still be swift release and still give them the ability to move fast, in addition to that they'll also be able to transfer their senses into other living beings and do other stuff with their senses.

[Swift release: Eye sight transfer]
You've already seen Y/N use this technique in the previous chapter. It basically just transfers their eye sight into another human or animal. With that they'll be able to see whatever the other person or the animal sees.
The disadvantages are:
- Y/N can't see what's happening around them.
- If the person/animal looks away Y/N can't turn their gaze to somewhere else, if you get what I mean-
- Eye sight could be slightly damaged if it's used too long.
- Doesn't use up a lot of chakra.

[Swift Release: Hearing transfer]
It transfers Y/Ns hearing to another person/animal and they'll be able to hear whatever that person/animal hears.
- Y/N can't hear what's happening around them.
- Hearing could be slightly damaged if it's used too long.
- Doesn't use up a lot of chakra.

[Swift release: position change]
This technique lets Y/N switch positions with another person.
- Uses up a lot of chakra.
- Any damage that would've been inflicted on the other person gets inflicted on Y/N or the other way around. (Idk if that's really a disadvantage though cause yeah-)
- A good way to protect comrades during battle.

[Swift release: Time stop]
Now this one might seem a bit OP but it's not and you'll see why.
It kind of "stops the time" for Y/N, but only for a few seconds and the other people don't feel it stopping. So technically when Y/N uses this jutsu, they just move really fast.
- Damages the muscle fibres a lot.
- Uses up a lot of chakra.
- Can't be used to often.
- It's a good triumph card.

Yeah, those are all I was able to think of right now, but oblivious there's also the one where Y/N doesn't really have to weave any signs and just uses her swift release to get around quickly. That's not as fast as Time Stop but it's also a good technique for Taijutsu.

That's it! See ya! Have a good day/night!
Goodbye my lovely readers!


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