I'm sorry.. (22)

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TW! : SH scars

Y/N's PoV:

As soon as I woke up again, I immediately noticed not only the destruction around me, but also a giant fox with nine tails and something else with a big silhouette, but which I was not able to identify far away in the distance.

I slowly forced myself to get off the ground and stumbled out towards the exit. I still felt a bit dizzy but it was nothing that would stop me from walking straight.

As I ran towards the direction of the two giants, I noticed that the fox turned back into a giant toad. I was now close enough to be able to see a bit more of what was going on. A small figure seemed to jump from the top of the toad onto.. the one tails? I knew some things about the tailed beasts because we learned about it in school, though I barely ever listened.

As I was almost about to reach the place the two were fighting at, when suddenly both of them disappeared. I could see two smaller figures falling until they landed on a tree. I stopped and squinted my eyes as I tried to see who it was.

All I could see was someone with a bright orange jacket. 'Naruto-?' I thought and started running again. I had to jump from tree to tree, so my vision was blocked and I was unable to see the two.

But after a bit I heard someone talk not too far away from me. I went over to the spot and froze as I saw the two.

Gaara and Naruto were laying on the ground. Even Gaara was bleeding slightly, was he-? No.. that was impossible, right..? I shook my head and quickly jumped down next to Naruto to help my friend.

"What happened-?" I asked, my voice full of worry and concern as I examined the blondes body.

"We.. fought. Can you make sure he is okay too?" My best friend asked and I responded with a nod.

I got up off the ground and walked over to Gaara, though I hesitated slightly and looked at him. His eyes still looked empty, but this time he looked.. a bit like he was thinking about something.

I kneeled down next to him and helped him sit up.

No reaction.

I grabbed his arms and looked at them.. they had small scars everywhere.. not very visible but they were there. I frowned and then took a look at the wound on his forehead.

"Back off!" A female voice shouted next to me and I flinched. I didn't even realise I put my arms around Gaara, only when the blonde female tried to pull him away I realised and blushed softly but..

..he still didn't show any reaction at all..

He seemed to just stare off into the empty space around us. Temari pulled his arm over her shoulder and so did Kankūro.

They noticed the worried look on my face and looked down at their little brother. "Are you okay?"



"I'm.. fine."

His voice was quiet and I was barely able to hear what he said. As they wanted to jump away I stopped them by grabbing Temaris wrist.

"Wait!" I said and turned back around to Naruto to see that Sakura and Sasuke already arrived to take care of him.

"Go with them, you can help them Y/N." The blonde boy said and gave me a smile to which I replied with a smile.

I quickly followed after the sand siblings and soon caught up to them. "He's not really in a good state, I don't think it's a good idea to go into the three day trip to suna with the the state he's in." I said and looked at them.

After almost two minutes Kankūro and Temari stopped and sat Gaara down on a big branch.

"Take care of him, but don't do anything or you'll be the injured one." Kankūro threatened and the two glared at me.

I nodded and kneeled down next to Gaara again. Luckily I had a first aid kit with me so I was able to take care of his wounds a little.

I cleaned the blood off his forehead and cleaned away the dirt as well. I noticed a soft red color tinting his cheeks but I ignored it, he was probably getting red from exhaustion and blood loss.

After I was almost finished cleaning his wounds, he grabbed my wrist and I froze.

A shiver ran down my spine and I could feel my heart beating faster. What was he going to do? Was he going to hurt me? Or even worse k-

"I'm sorry.."


"I'm.. sorry.. I shouldn't have been so rude.."

Did he just apologise? Only now I was able to realise how gentle his touch was, almost like my arm was made out of glass and one strong squeeze would break it.

"It's okay! Really! It's understandable why you were rude.. you must've assumed I just left you.. that I started to hate and fear you like all the others, right?"

He nodded. "I should've at least let you explain.. I'm sorry for being so foolish."

I laid my hand on his head and ruffled his hair a little as I smiled at him.

"Don't worry, I'm not mad at you. It's good that you apologised." As I looked back down at him I could've sworn I saw a small smile on his face, though that quickly faded as his siblings pulled him back up.

"Come on, we have to go." Temari said as she and Kankūro held onto their little brother.

I frowned slightly and so did he, but before anyone protested they jumped off again and I was left alone.

That night I couldn't sleep, I kept thinking about him. Why was I able to forgive him so easily? I'm not someone who forgives people that easily usually.

I kept turning from left to right as I tried to find a comfortable position, but it seemed to be almost impossible. I got up and walked out to the balcony attached to my room, before I then jumped onto the roof.

I sat down near the edge and let my legs hang down. Something felt off that night.. but what was it?

After staring at the moon for almost two hours I started to feel a bit sleepy so I decided to go to bed.

Hey hey! I know I say this every chapter but I'm sorry again for not updating- but thank you for 1k reads!! I'm sorry if the chapters get confusing sometimes- but yeah I'm sorry for that-

Word count: 1070

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