Are they in love?! [6]

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[Time skip to the day before the chunin exams.]

You woke up early in the morning and jumped up, you were excited since the chunin exams would begin tomorrow and Natsuki-Sensei had recommended Akiko, Dai and you to become a chunin.


"There you are, Y/N!" Dai yelled as he sprinted towards you.

"What is it? Why did you need me to rush here so quickly?" You questioned the raven haired boy in front of you.

It was already pretty late and you had to admit, it was already getting kind of cold, although it wasn't dark yet. Eventhough it was summer, it was really quiet cold, but that was probably just because it had rained all day long.

(A/N: I don't know what the weather is like in Japan during the summer- but let's just pretend that there was a cold and rainy summer day- I don't want to seem stupid, also I don't remember if the chunin exams were during summer or spring- but I think they were during summer- let's just pretend they were- anyways, continue.)

Dai's nose was tinted with a light shade of pink and you could see his breath whenever he exhaled. His eyes were sparkling and he looked like a child that had just received a huge birthday present.

"Come on! Hurry up already!" He exclaimed and gently grabbed a hold of your wrist, dragging you over towards the river. He turned in the direction of a bridge that crossed the river and on that bridge you spotted two, very familiar figures, Akiko and Natsuki-Sensei. As you approached them you noticed that your Sensei had a mischievous smirk on his face and Akikos face was lit up with joy just like Dai. 'Woah- I've never seen Dai and Akiko so excited-' You thought quietly to yourself.

You stood in front of Natsuki and the two boys and looked at them with a confused look on your face.

"Y/N! Guess what the big copycat just told us!" Akiko exclaimed. He often called his big brother, Natsuki-Sensei, "big copycat" You found it quite amusing when the two of them had those childish sibling fights were they'd call eachother names all the time.

"What is it?" You asked as you tilted your head slightly to the right, not noticing Dai staring at you.

"Well.. I re-" Natsuki tried to tell you, but he got cut off by Dai jumping in front of you and grabbing your shoulders. You noticed that Dai's face was only a few inches away from yours, but you didn't say anything.

"He recommended us for the chunin exams!!" Dai yelled as a huge smile spread across his face. Only then he noticed how close he was and backed away a few steps, almost falling off the bridge, you spotted a small blush on his cheeks, you didn't think anything of it. The big news were more interesting at the moment.

"Really?!" You screeched and jumped up into the air, before turning towards your Sensei and hugging him tightly.

"Thank you so much Natsuki-Sensei!" You thanked him.

"No problem." He said nervously as he patted your head. You could see that it made him happy that his students were so happy and thankful, although he didn't really show it, typical for him.

"Just.. promise me to do your best!"

"We will!"

Flashback end

You had changed into your ninja-outfit and quickly sprinted down the stairs, almost running over your brother.

"Aye, watch out dumbass!" He cursed at you and walked back upstairs to his room.

Love..? {Gaara x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now