Who passed the second round? [12]

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No ones PoV:

You walked over towards Kiba and his squad, greeting them with a friendly smile.

"Hey guys! Hey Hinata!" You said as you stood next to the shy girl.

"H-hey Y/N.." She stuttered, fiddling around with her fingers.

"So you guys passed as well, eh?" Kiba asked, stepping closer to Dai.

"Yep! It was pretty easy thanks to Y/N!" Dai smiled at you. You chuckled a little at your friends comment, before your gaze wandered over to someone else again.

Gaara was staring at you when you looked at the three siblings, but as soon as you gazes met he slowly looked away. You sighed and suddenly Akiko waved his hand in front of your face.

"Hellooo, earth to Y/N! Are you there? Kiba asked you something." The brown haired boy complained shaking his head.

"Huh? Oh, sorry I was kinda.. lost in thought.." You mumbled, nervously scratching the back of your neck.

"It's alright.. but, did you see what.. what that red haired guy did earlier..? He's so.. creepy.. even akamaru is scared of him." Kiba said, petting Akamarus head. The little dog was hiding inside of Kibas jacket, and you could tell that he was shaking.

"You mean Gaara? Well.. we did see how he killed those other genin earlier.. were you there as well..?" Everyone was quiet for a few seconds, no one made eye contact with anyone.

"So you guys were there.." You whispered quietly as you stared at the ground underneath your feet.

After a few minutes of silence, Dai decided to try and lighten the mood a little by changing t e subject.

"Anyways- so uh- what do you guys think will happen in the next round?" He asked, looking at everyone.

"Hmm.. I think we'll have a fight between eachother, the reason is because-"

"I hope we get to fight eachother! We want to show everyone what we're made of! Right, Akamaru?!" Kiba interrupted Shino.

"Yes! That would be awesome!" You cheered.

Suddenly another door opened and Rock Lee, Neji Hyuga and TenTen entered the room. Your eyes met Nejis eyes for a second and you saw nothing but pain in them. When you looked at Rock Lee, you noticed that he was pretty beaten up, meanwhile Neji and TenTen only had a few scratches on them.

'What happened to him?' You thought quietly.

You had to wait in that room for quite a while. As you were waiting, more and more people slowly entered the room.

You knew most of them. Shikamaru and his team arrived after Nejis team, then a team of genin from Otogakure and then shortly before the end Kabuto and his team arrived. You nervously looked around the room.

'Where is he?' You thought.

'Where is Naruto..?'


You slowly began to loose hope, time was almost over and your best friend still wasn't here.

Everyone was called to another room where each team lined up next to eachother. In the front were the Sensei of each team, as well as the hokage.

Gaara was standing on your left side and on your right was Kabuto. All of a sudden the door opened again and Naruto ran into the room, Sakura and Sasuke slowly following after him.

You waved at your best friend with a big smile on your face. Not noticing the interested sea foam eyes next to you, studying your facial features.

There was some chatting going on for a few minutes before the Hokage spoke up.

"Everyone here has passed the second round, congratulations! 24 people have passed. Now, before the next round begins, we'll have to have a few elimination matches." Everyone was confused and looked at eachother before the Hokage continued.

"If your wondering why, then here's the answer, too many people have passed, normally we'd only have half of the people that we have here right now. That's why we'll have elimination matches. But, before those matches begin, is there anyone here, that doesn't feel like they're able to continue?" You looked behind you at Dai and Akiko, you knew Akiko wasn't going to give up, but you weren't sure about Dai.

He was awfully quiet and his eyes were directed at the ground.

"Dai, if you want to give up then do so, we'll be able to manage on our own, don't worry." Akiko reassured him, putting his hand on Dais shoulder as a light blush covered Akikos face.
Dai looked up and smiled back at the brown haired boy.

"Thank you.." He said. Dai slowly raised his hand, gaining everyone's attention.

"I.." he hesitated. "I don't feel like I can continue.. I'm giving up." Naruto and the others gasped.

"Okay, wise choice." The Hokage said with a reassuring smile on his face.

Natsuki-Sensei called Dai over to him and the raven haired boy quickly ran to his Sensei, standing next to him.

"Anyone else?" The Hokage asked.

"Yes." You looked to the right. "Me. Kabuto Yakoshi. I'm giving up as well." With that said, Kabuto turned around and left the room.

"Kabuto! Wait! Why're you giving up now?!" Naruto yelled.

"I don't have much chakra left and I simply just don't feel like it's going to end well if I continue now." Kabuto answered. He turned around and left the room.

'Somethings off about that Kabuto guy..' You thought.

After a few minutes, no one else left and everyone waited for further more instructions.

"Alright, for the elimination rounds, we'll be having one on one fights. The names of the two people who will fight first will appear up there on that board." Everyone looked up as a board showed up inside the wall. After a few seconds it revealed two names: Sasuke Uchiha vs Yoroi Akadō.

Everyone walked up a stair case to watch the fight. You were on the left side of the room, next to you was Akiko and behind you were Dai and Natsuki-Sensei. You looked to your right and spotted Gaara and his siblings, together with their Sensei.

'This will be interesting..'


A/N: Hey guys! Happy Halloween! Later I'll be uploading a little Halloween special as well! So stay put! I'll try to hurry up but idk how long it'll take- so yeah- I hope you liked this chapter!
See ya! Have a good day/night!
Goodbye my lovely readers!


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