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You look up as the screams of the other children come to your ears. 'Why are they yelling..? Are they talking about me, again..?'
As you focus your gaze you notice that something had wrapped around the ankles of a few of the children and was pulling them back.

'Is that... sand?' You thought to yourself and adjusted your gaze a little. Then you spotted a small boy, probably around your age, he was standing there and it looked as if he was the one controlling the sand. You quickly got up from the spot you were sitting at and rushed over to the boy.

"Hey! What're you doing!?" You yelled making him flinch, his gaze focused on you as the sand let go of the other kids. All of them quickly got up and began to sprint back to the village, away from you and the red head.

You slowly walked towards him and reached out your hand. "Hey.. are you okay-?" You said in a soft tone, trying to show him that you weren't trying to hurt him.

You gulped as you noticed the look on his face, he looked so.. sad, scared, angry.. but mostly.. he looked hurt.. not in the physical way, but he looked hurt mentally.

"G-get away from me! I don't want to hurt you..!" Was all he managed to say, as he backed away a bit. You felt a bit of sand slowly wrap around your ankles. However, you still didn't want to turn around and run away from him.. it might've looked as if you weren't scared.. but you were. Your whole body was shaking, yet you tried not to show it too much.

"It's okay! I won't hurt you.. and even if you hurt me on accident.. I won't be mad at you, I promise!" You said calmly as you gave him a closed eye smile. He stopped backing up and sank down on his knees, the sand around your ankles dropped to the ground and you stumbled forward, landing face first in the sand.

As you looked up again, your gaze was met with the turquoise eyes of the red haired boy. You spit out some sand and stood back up again, you dusted yourself off before approaching the boy that all the other kids seemed to fear. You put on a smile again and reached out your hand towards him.

"Hey! I'm [Name] Anko! Wanna be friends?" You introduced yourself.

"Frie..nds..?" He muttered and looked at you with widened eyes. The two of you held eye contact for a few seconds, before he looked down again, he pulled his knees closer to his chest, as well as a teddy bear that was almost as big as him.

"Are you sure you want to be friends with.. me..?" He said quietly. You scoffed and sat down in front of him, gently resting your hand on one of his knees.

"Yep! I'm 100% sure! You seem wayyyyy cooler than those losers that ran away just now!" You let out a little chuckle, as it looked like a small sparkle appeared in his eyes. He let go of his knees and nodded with a small smile on his face.

"Yay! A new friend! But.. what if.." He stopped and looked away again as the smile faded away from his face.

"What if-?" You questioned the red haired boy and tilted your head a little bit to the left as a confused look formed on your face.

"N-nothing.." He whispered just loud enough for you to hear.

"Okay then! What's your name? I already told you mine." You giggled and gave him another closed eye smile.

"I'm Gaara.."  He said as his eyes met yours again.

"That's a cool name! Here.. let me help you up!" You said as you pulled him up to his feet again, dusting him off. You looked around for a few seconds, before grabbing his hand and dragging him away from the place you two were sitting at a few seconds ago.

Love..? {Gaara x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now