Aliens of London + World War Three

Start from the beginning

Jackie was a little relieved after Ivy's on screen rant that Tonks had calmed down a bit and while she missed it, Remus' eye color went back to normal.

Jackie then turned back to Rose and the Doctor, "Then what is it? Because you, you waltz in here all charm and smiles, and the next thing I know, she vanishes off the face of the Earth! How old are you then? And how is old is she? What, did you find them both on the internet? Did you go online and pretend you're a doctor?"

"I am a Doctor," the Doctor said, a bit offended.

"Prove it. Stitch this, mate!" she raised her hand to slap him only for a pale hand belonging to somebody who used her fast reflexes, to stop her. "Didn't you flirt with him when we first here?" Ivy said. Jackie stuttered out an answer, "Okay then, I know you are a mother who was worried over her child, I would be the same if it was Teddy. But you need to know both sides," Rose and the Doctor saw her pull out her wand out of Jackie and the policeman's view, "Rose met us in a situation and we got along rather well, she wanted to go on a trip so we offered for her to come with. She had lost her phone and could not remember your number that is why she did not call you," Ivy finished and put her wand away. Jackie nodded accepting the explanation, "Slight compulsion it won't cause any damage what so ever to her," Ivy said quietly to Rose who nodded and relaxed a bit.

"My girl, why would you do that to the woman?" Albus spoke up.

"DON'T FUCKING CALL MY DAUGHTER THAT YOU DAMN CREEP!!!! ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU'VE PUT COMPULSIONS ON HER!!!" James screamed, scaring almost everyone in the room, most never hearing James scream like that. Lily was startled by the sudden screaming but then was trying to calm down her red faced husband although she would have actually let him attack the Headmaster. The other members of the six were to shock to make a comment. Jackie turned to Ivy who was watching a little nervously, "I'm not mad, I can see I was overreacting a bit and it calmed me down," she said.

"Well, you were a bit justified," Hermione argued.

"Yes, but then I also accused her of stealing Teddy, sorry Teddy," Jackie said the last bit behind her to Teddy who looked a bit frightened, she saw Connor was too from his spot where he was leaning against Damian. Jackie turned back to Ivy silently saying 'conversation over'.

While Rose and Jackie were talking, Ivy and the Doctor went to the roof top when he noticed she was distracted by something again, "What is it?" he asked when she was looking around again, "I think one of my little ones are trying to find me," she answered.

"Huh?" Remus asked.

"Basically in all pantheons, the Death gods get outcasted, and I kinda adopt them and become a mother figure, I call them 'little ones' cause they are like my children. It's not just death gods now, cause I've apparently adopted Loki," Ivy said. Loki did find that Ivy was another mother figure, one he could vent to.

Before the Doctor could answer, Rose came up, "I can't tell her. I can't even begin. She's never going to forgive me. And I missed a year. Was it good?"

"Middling," the Doctor said.

"You're so useless," Rose teased.

"Well, if it's so much trouble, are you going to stay here now?"

"I don't know. I can't do that to her again, though."

"Well she's not coming with us,"

"No chance,"

"I don't do angry mothers. I've already got Lily, Ivy, and Tonks, I don't need more," the Doctor said.

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