After that, Devon carried Elijah to the bathroom, gave the boy some privacy, and when Elijah asked Devon cutely to wash his hair, Devon couldn't refuse. When it comes to Elijah, Devon always folds. Also, Devon enjoys spoiling his sunshine. Devon feels like he has to make it up to Elijah.

Devon may not be able to return to the past and rectify his mistakes, all Devon could do right now is to make Elijah happy until Elijah can trust him again.

"Hey, sunshine. Enjoying yourself?" Elijah glanced at Devon and with a soft giggle, nodded furiously.

"I love bubble baths, Dev. The bath bombs smell so good too!" Devon smiled at Elijah's vibrant aura. Finally, Elijah is back. The boy who can light up the room with his smile is back.

Devon reached for the shampoo and washed Elijah's hair who followed Devon's instructions obediently. Elijah is so happy because Devon is around and Elijah can finally spend so much time with his boyfriend.

The couple had too much fun in the bath, so when Elijah finished his, Devon followed next. Elijah giggled excitedly when he saw that Devon also prepared his clothes. "Dev is so sweet."

Elijah's outfit for the day was a pair of denim, a white P&F cotton shirt, and a pair of white sneakers. Elijah slipped on his cotton boxers first, his shirt next, and wore his jeans. Elijah creased his forehead when he can't seem to tuck his shirt right.

"Dev? Are you done?" Devon just finished his shower and was drying his hair when Elijah called.

"Yes, sunshine? Want some help?"

"Yes, please? I can't tuck my shirt right." Elijah sat on the foot of the bed and waited for Devon to be finished.

Devon stepped out of the bathroom half-naked, wearing only a pair of jeans. Elijah gasped softly and reddened like a tomato, but he didn't look away. Elijah has a mission. Elijah needs to get used to Devon's sexiness if Elijah wants to do more naughty stuff.

Devon, oblivious to the fact that Elijah was staring hard at him, grabbed a white polo shirt in the closet so he and Elijah match. Devon slipped his shirt on and frowned when he saw Elijah flushed. "Sunshine, do you have a fever? Your cheeks are so flushed," Devon noticed and sat beside Elijah. Devon checked Elijah's forehead but there was nothing out of the ordinary.

Elijah bit his lower lips shyly and shook his head. "I'm alright, Dev. You're wearing white too? We match?!" Pride blossomed in Devon's chest when Elijah stared at him as if he did a very good job.

"Precisely, sunshine," Devon replied with a smile. "Anyway, can I talk to you about something? It's related to the place we're going to."

Elijah nodded and gave his full attention to Devon. Elijah noticed Devon's nervousness so he grabbed Devon's hands and squeezed them gently. "It's okay, Dev. I will listen till the end. You can tell me everything," Elijah encouraged Devon and Devon released a sigh of relief.

Devon started how their operation went and the kind of strategizing they underwent. Elijah's face would fill with worry every time Devon mentions gun and shooting so as much as possible, Devon tried to mention less of those. When Devon went to the part about Ryzel, Elijah hitched a breath.

"How is he, Dev? Is he alright? Did he come with you? Can I see him now?" Elijah has now understood why Ryzel had to leave him. Ryzel was only protecting Elijah, and sometimes, letting go of the person you love is a testament to how much you care for that person, especially in Elijah's case.

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