Tide of Extinction

Start from the beginning

Before I realized it I came to land just a tad out of reach, the girl's metal legs coming to halt as she addressed me.

"And who might you be?"

"Depends, I'm known as many names depending what mythology you hail from, the name is Bahamut to you, however."

"Whatever might your name be water goddess, whichever you feel like telling anyway."

"So you recognize I have multiple goddesses in one origin. You get more interesting with each passing second."

"Did you perhaps come for a dance? I imagine the water looks unimaginably breathtaking as it reaches for the stars."

"Very much so. A shame the finale will have to take a rain check."

"There are a few individuals I've become rather obsessed with observing and I can't have you disposing of them."

"I'm in the middle of one myself...let me ask you...what do you find the best way to understand humans?"

"A way to understand...I guess talking. Words can convey a lot about a person, it's also a way to build trust and mutual standing...I think."

"Fear. Discord. Temptation. Emotions such as these are the focus of how humans live their lives. You can't expect the drivel they spew to be genuine."

"The words they speak are just a thick layer of icing covering the dark intentions they hide deep inside. What better way to study our subjects than while influenced by base instincts?"

"What you're proposing is morally oppressive. Your attempts to comprehend mankind is hypocritical, there lies a thin line between learning and understanding."

"You can capitalize on humans' fear of death and learn a lot about their character but that doesn't mean you'll understand their existence. It's similar to trust in that it is something to be earned."

"I agree. Nothing's to be gained without the full experience, which is why I'll absorb them soul and all. "

"That's twisted."

"In your eyes maybe, but life is like one big game, the more exp you get from clearing the mobs the closer you'll get to finding what you seek."

"The adventure will be painful but the end result is all that matters...for some of us we can only feel anything through others' pain and misfortune...that's how it is for me anyway."

"...That last part sounded relatively depressing...and in some ways relatable...


"...but...even knowing how you feel I can hardly allow your plan to pass, sorry."

"I see...no hard feelings I suppose, guess we're stuck at opposing ends. Just know you can breathe a sigh of relief knowing your painful death will let me understand you even more."

"Hearing that from you somehow isn't all that threatening."

★ Void ★

"Phoebus Catastrophe......third group eradicated, master. Heading out once more."

"Alright, careful out there."

Atlanta was forced from the void for the fourth time since our plan was put into motion.

Nearly a thousand beasts had been slain by Atalanta's noble phantasm thoroughly chipping away at their numbers giving the front-line servants time to regroup.

Souls Of The Fateless (FGO x God's Wrath OC Series Story)Where stories live. Discover now