The Unquiet Death + The Aftermath

Start from the beginning

"Wait, I thought the wardrobe can be moved by the TARDIS?" Rory asked.

"Yes, but that was Dumbo's punishment for Rose, Idris moved the wardrobe to those exact directions," Eleven spoke up for Nine.

Ivy just apparated in. Rose had shown up ten minutes later panting. "You know the TARDIS could've shown you if you had asked her. Or she would've moved it if she forgave you," Ivy said while she looked casually at her clothes for the 1800s. "The TARDIS can change rooms?"

"Yeah, might not have also mentioned that bit," Nine said.

"Yep, hope you're still able to find your room," Ivy said nonchalantly, as she found her dress. It was a simple long sleeved dress that poofed out with gold designs on the bottom. She put her hair up and put on less makeup and made her way out with Rose. "Blimey!" the Time Lord was heard saying. "Don't laugh," Rose complained.

"You look beautiful, considering."

"Considering what?"

"That you're human"

Then Ivy came out and he saw, "Wow," was all he said. Rose was smirking looking in between them before turning back to the Doctor,

Rose was thinking, 'Why did I have to develop a crush on the Doctor?! It was so obvious they liked each other?!'

"Aren't you going to change?" Rose asked.

"I've changed my jumper. Come on."

"You stay there. You've done this before. This is mine," Rose said and opened the doors and walked out, "Ready for history?" Ivy questioned.

We got outside and the Doctor got a newspaper, "I got the flight a bit wrong," he announced.

"I don't care," came from Rose, she was looking around in amazement.

"It's not 1860, it's 1869" Ivy said without looking at the paper. The Doctor looked at her, as if realizing she knew he got the date wrong.

"I don't care,"

"And it's not Naples," Ivy started.

"I don't care" Rose was still looking around.

"It's Cardiff," the Doctor announced.

Rose stopped in her tracks immediately, "Right"

They proceeded to walk down and heard screams, "That's more like it!" the Doctor exclaimed and they ran for the scream.

They run in and watch the chaos, Ivy looked angry, it looked like the dead are being involved. "Did you see where it came from?" the Doctor asked a man and Ivy looked at the man stunned.

"Tonks, grab onto Moony to keep him calm," Ivy said. The pregnant woman did what she said, "It's Charles Dickens," she revealed.

"WHAT?!" the werewolf screeched.

"NOT IN MY EAR!" Sirius screamed back, rubbing his now painful ear.

"Ah, the wag reveals himself, does he? I trust you're satisfied, sir!" Dickens spat.

Two people came for the corpse that Rose was running after, "Be careful! Did it say anything? Can it speak? I'm the Doctor, this is Ivy, by the way." The Doctor questioned him.

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