West had already undergone a bronchoscopy and some router shit. She was done now. All she needed to do was show those pretty eyes of hers.

"Hello." I look at contain my shock as her grandmother walked on sniffing. I looked at her and didn't bother getting up. Not because I was rude but I was glued to the chair. I didn't want to get up. "Archer told me Bryce was here."

I nod unsure of what to say so I remain silent. She slips into the seat next to me and smiles down. "I'm Julia for the the record."

Again I don't know how to respond/

Cool. I'm Aaron?

Hi Julia?

Oh, okay?

So instead I swerve the conversation all together. "I can give you some privacy." I scramble up but she puts a firm hand on my shoulder.

Holy fuck, for a grandma she sure has iron strength to her. Her eyes don't meet mine as she focuses on her granddaughter. "I don't think I've ever seen at such peace as I see her now. She's a burning spitfire isn't she?" She chuckles as if a memory was playing in her mind. "Her father was the same. Most people say I'm like her but her old man was wild. Trust me I would know. I walked home at least once a week to the station or the school trying to categorize his problems. At the end of it all I had a recycled answer for everything." A small smile tilts my face as I listen on.

Julia takes in a deep breath and heaves a sigh. "She's such a young girl. And yet she goes through such things. She doesn't deserve it."

"I know." I softly put looking at West. "And I don't know what I'm going to say to her to comfort her when she wakes up."

She hums looking at the floor. "When I first met her, I thought to myself what a gal? She was about eleven and she had a huge scowl on her face. Huge. I remember James and Amelia trying to get her to eat food but she kept throwing it around. She even gave some to my dog. And when we asked her to stay the night she walked straight out the door mad widowed by the car impatiently. It was hilarious."

I snort and rest my arms on my knees.

"And then after I let her be with Charlie, my dog, she became obsessed. She came back every week just to sit in the front gardens with him. She thought him soo many tricks it was astonishing. Then Charlie died and she felt sad. So I took her to a pet shot and bought her another dog. Jack. She loved Jack even more and then we kind of grew close. Especially after her addiction started too. I was the only one she confided in. It made trust feel like an honor." Julia amusedly said clasping her hands in front of her. "I was soo happy to see her happy when she met you. Honestly when I first looked at you it was hate."

I tense and she stares directly at me. Well if this isn't awkward. I grit my jaw as she assessed my features. "I thought you were one of those asses who'd use her body and then discard her. Take her magic and run off. That was until you ran after when she found out about my cancer. You looked so worried and sick out of your mind that I wanted to laugh. I think I did too in my car. You were such a hopelessly in love boy." She starts laughing again and I frown.

"It's so fucking funny I forgot to laugh." I grumbled as she laughed harder. Seriously are all the women in the Weston household so dominating?

"I'm sorry. It's just is what it is. I find it rather refreshing and entertaining. You follow her around like a lost puppy." Julia smirks as I roll my eyes. The silence is filled with the strong rhythms of her heart monitor. Every tick of it rhythms with my own heart beat.

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