"You think we will let you go off the hook so easily," asked Mai.

"You may not know this but the entire school knows about what happened in that place."

"What place?" asked Mai.

Sakura slapped her arm, "the camping trip."

Aika pushed past between them and took both your hands in hers.
"You kissed him."

"Mmmhmmm," you nodded. "But it was more like he kissed me," you said softly.

Her face lit up and she hugged you.

"But seriously y/n you could have told us," said Sakura.

"Anyways I'm so happy for you," said Mai excitedly. "He's like the hottest guy in town and you're dating him!"

"I guess it's more like he's dating her," said Sakura.

"It's the same," giggled Mai.

"Tell us everything," Sakura's eyes lit up with anticipation.


"You said you would help me put that face mask again."

"Don't you have classes? why are you calling when we are in the same school? And what about your practice," you asked him instead.

"After practice of course, and no I want to talk like this," he babbled from the other side of the call. "I wish it was a video call."

"Yeah," you said carelessly.

"Y/n chan come down near the school notice board!"

"I can't," you answered. "I have a due assignment."

"I'll help you complete it just come down here."

"Haha very funny, I'm not falling for one of your lame tricks again," you said balancing your phone on your shoulder while drawing a line on the paper.

"I'm telling you, it's important," he maintained. "And Hey! My tricks aren't lame you love them."

You snorted.

"Say you love them!" he demanded.

"In your dreams."

The bell rang. It was time for lunch.

"Now come down y/n chan even the bell rang."

"Wait I'm submitting my assignment and coming."

You disconnected the call and ran towards the staff room with your file.

Oikawa on the other hand, in his volleyball t-shirt and track pants was standing near the notice board waiting for you

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Oikawa on the other hand, in his volleyball t-shirt and track pants was standing near the notice board waiting for you.
He seemed to be grabbing the attention of every girl.

The first and second years all seemed to have noticed him. Two or three girls purposely started walking past him so that they could grab his attention.

"It's Oikawa San," a girl giggled excitedly from afar.

"Come let's talk to him," one of them chuckled.

"I'm shy."

They were laughing and giggling among themselves.

You walked down the stairs that's when you saw him, his head facing the notice board but he was not looking at it.
You even saw a group of girls standing in a distance looking at him.
You walked past those girls and stood beside him.

"What's wrong say?"

He slid his hand on your waist. At that moment you felt all eyes on you, Oikawa didn't seem to care much he was used to that kind of attention.

"See." He pointed at a sheet of paper pinned on the hardboard.

It was a college application form for law colleges.

"It's due next month," you mumbled.

"Yes, that's why I told you it's important."

You recall only telling him once about planning on studying law and becoming a lawyer and he remembered.

"I have to start preparing now."

"You have a whole month for that now let's have lunch," he assured.

You turn your head to face him, he's looking down at you. He gently caresses your hair.

He swiftly turns around resting his hand on your shoulder, "time for lunch, you are having lunch with us."

"I have my friends you know-"

"-ah uh my friends are your friends too."

"I know that," you cut in.

You all sit in the gym together with your teammates. You already knew them so you did not have much problem fitting in. Soon you all were joking around having fun.

"Okay so here's a question," you asked Oikawa. "-have you ever killed anybody?"

He started laughing.

"-be honest."

He didn't reply he kept on laughing.

"-even on accident."

He covered his face.

"-Tell the truth right now."

He tried his best to keep on a straight face.

You bit back the smile, " that's pretty terrible let me ask you another question"


"Okay so here's a real question."


"Do you-"


"-if you.." You started laughing.

"O my God," cried Watari.

"... If you could have everything you ever wanted.."

Oikawa burst out laughing.

"...in the palm of your hand," you bit back the laugh. "No seriously like if there's a group of people and you could pick one by one..."

He looked at you still smirking.

"Like if you knew for sure that you would never be found out."

He covered his mouth.

"Would you?"

"I probably would," he giggled.

"That's what I wanted to know. Thank you."

He laughed.

"You see this is men." You pointed at him with your thumb.

"We are all men here," he replied laughing holding out your hand.

"I'm talking to myself," you protested. "You see y/n this is men," you said out loud.

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