You responded with a calculated calmness, trying to keep your dreadful enthusiasm from making you burst into arms flailing sprint toward him. "Tooru?"

He came to an easy stop and lowered his hood. His smile lit up his face. "Hi."

He sank on the grass beside you.

"What do you want?" you asked.

"You don't sound too happy to see me," he noted. Small dents appeared above his brows and his smile faltered. "Maybe I underestimated how well you would take me chasing after you like a maniac..."

"Why? I mean it worked so well the last time," you teased.

His expression turned remorseful but he couldn't hide his smirk. "I should have learnt my lesson, right? I didn't mean to startle you the first time we ever met."

"It's fine," you assured him. "It's just, you came out of nowhere."

Relief swept across his features. "I was about to come to see you after lunch-"

"Why didn't you?" you demanded.

"I was-"

"-busy with Emiko Sato." You finished.

"No," he reacted. "I was helping in cleaning up."

You didn't say anything.

"Plus I am not interested in Emiko!"

"At least you didn't crash into me this time," you said instead clutching your chest in feign relief. "I might have had to kick your ass."

"How terrifying," he said, relief sweeping across his face once again.

"Hey!" you punched his arm playfully, revealing in the familiarity that existed between you two. "I'll have you know I can be very intimidating."

"I'm sure those tiny fists are very powerful."

You punched him again, but this time he caught your hand between his, trapping it mid assault. "Let's go on a walk."

You slid your hand out from under his, got up and started walking in a random direction. "Nah. I'll better walk alone."

"Y/n chan." He jogged after you. "Let's just talk then."

"No, all of a sudden I feel like walking I don't wanna talk," you replied, keeping your attention focused ahead of you as you walked.

"Let's just walk then." He sped up, then turned around and began walking backwards so he could face you and keep up at the same time.

Hajime watched you both from a distance.

You blew a stray strand of hair from your eyes and gazed at him.

You two walked in silence in the dark, your camp was far away from sight but you could still hear them. Few fireflies were wandering around in the forest.

You studied your nails to keep yourself from burning up under his gaze.
Oikawa stopped walking and you stopped too.

You looked at him shyly, "don't you think there are wild animals here?"

He laughed it was close and intimate, you could feel his breath as he leant towards you.


Instead of answering you kicked a stray pebble and watched as it bounced.

"Why don't you just kiss me?" he said with such intensity and it was so random you almost forgot to breathe.

Slowly, he moved and stood in front of you and moved his hands up your arms, trailing his fingers across your shoulders until his thumbs were brushing the base of your neck.

You felt your skin prickle with anticipation.

"I'll consider kissing you if you give me a good reason," you said.

"Is this reason not good enough," he studied his fingers as he moved them up your neck in gentle, butterfly touches.

"I... Don't know," you said, hearing the dryness in your throat.

"It is." He was so close.

"Do you think so?"

His gaze was on your lips now. "Yes."

"I find that hard to believe."

"You shouldn't," he whispered.

He lightly strokes your cheekbone and you have to stop yourself from purring like an affection-starved cat.

"What are you doing?" You whisper.

"Well, you were looking at me like you wanted me to kiss you." His brown eyes become heavy-lidded. "So I was thinking I might do that."

He tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear, leaving his thumb under your chin.

You rose on your tiptoes and he pulled you into his body until your nose was almost touching his. His breathing faltered.

"I've been dying to do this," he whispered against your skin.

Then his hands were around your waist, pressing against your lower back, and his lips were on yours.

You couldn't think anymore. Suddenly, nothing else mattered but Tooru and the way he was pressing his mouth against yours and holding you like he never wanted to let you go.

Everything around you dulled and, for a heartbeat, it was as if the entire world was holding its breath.

Everything around you dulled and, for a heartbeat, it was as if the entire world was holding its breath

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Then someone flashes a torchlight into your face. You felt your insides collapse in disappointment. Oikawa untangled himself from you.

Your eyes squeak before you notice that someone, Hajime.

"What are you doing with Y/n?" he roared.

"Sorry sorry, it's not what you think," begged Oikawa joining his hands he was sure if he didn't say anything Iwaizumi would hit him. "I'm not fooling around."

Iwaizumi was about to beat the shit out of Oikawa because he thought he was using you.

"I like her," he shouted.

"You what?" asked Iwa.

"You heard me okay!"

"Iwa," it took a lot of courage to call his name. "I like him too," you said, slowly.

Hajime wrapped his arm around your shoulder and raised a finger at Oikawa, "if you hurt even a single strand of hair in her body. I will end you."

Oikawa shook his head in agreement.

"Come y/n let's go."

You walked with Iwa, he was still resting his hand on your shoulder.

"You!" he turned his head to face Oikawa. "Stay six feet away from her. And don't move from there until I tell you to."


"-shut up."

"There can be wild animals here," he cried out.

"You should have thought about that before bringing y/n here."

You guys kept walking towards the camp with Oikawa following far behind.

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