Chapter 25

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{Long Chapter Ahead - 5,072 words}

Eren slowly opened his eyes. His mouth slight-opened upon seeing Reiner standing on a branch of tree and Bertholdt sitting also on a branch of tree. Eren's currently lying on a branch of tree and Ymir's beside him sitting.

Y/N's sitting on a tree branch the same where Reiner is standing. The commander's daughter is tied up and has a gag on her mouth.

Reiner looked at Eren when he noticed him awake. "Oh, Eren. You're up." Reiner said.

"Ah..!" Eren jolted up. He was shocked to see both of his arms are missing. "W-what's going on? My arms..." Eren gritted his teeth and glared at the two guys.

"Eren." Eren looked beside him and saw Ymir also without her right arm and legs. "Look. I'm in the same situation as you. Guess today's a rough one for the both of us." Ymir said.

"Ymir..." Eren muttered. He looked at his nubs. "Why don'y I have arms?" Eren asked.

"Oh, sorry. I did that." Reiner cooly said.

Y/N rolled her eyes. You say sorry as if it isn't a big deal. Y/N thought since she can't speak because of the gag on her mouth.

"I was in a hurry. I bit your neck while I was panicking and I missed both of your arms in the process." Reiner said.

Eren looked down. "I see. So I lost." He said then gkared at the two guys.
Y/N's eyes widened when Eren brought his missing arm to his mouth and was about to bite it.

"Hhmmm!!!!" Y/N hummed through her muffled voice trying to stop Eren. She's shaking her head to say to Eren not to transform. Idiot! He can't transfrom here. We're in a titan forest. If he transforms, he'll die. The titans might go after him and he's not in a good shape. Y/N thought.

"Eren! Stop!" Bertholdt said.

Ymir grabbed Eren's arm. "Just wait a second, Eren." Ymir said. Eren looked at her. "Take a good loom around you. This is the titan forest inside wall Maria. It's apparently pretty far from the wall. Naturally, it's part of titan territory. Just look." Ymir said then looked down at the titans looking at them. "I guess you'd call those abnormals. It might look like they're just relaxing but they've got their eyes locked onto us. And there are a lot of smaller ones below. They pose a threat, too. There's a big one over there, as well. It's just watching us and not coming close. It's probably not very strong." Ymir said.

She leaned her arm on Eren's shoulder. "And then there's them." Ymir said while glaring at Reiner and Bertholdt. "Those two stingy bastards. They're the only ones wearing vertical maneuvering equipment. Reiner's wearing yours. Recklessly turning into a titan here and now doesn't strike me as a good idea. Not only they can do the same, they can also escape high into the trees and even if they couldn't, we're surrounded by titans. Even with "titan powers," it's hard to make it out of titan territory like this alive. You understand, don't you? We don't have the luxury of being able to run wild here." Ymir said.

"No." Reiner spoke. Everyone looked at him. "Right now, neither of you could even become titans to begin with. It's not quite as convenient as you think. Your strength is limited. At the moment, it's all you can do to repair your bodies." Reiner said.

Y/N and Eren glared at him.

"Dumbass. Who the hell would believe what you have to say?" Eren asked. The two guys went silent.

"Well, I don't know that much about our titan powers, either. Unlike you two, I don't know how thosw kind of things work." Ymir said. She then looked at Reiner. "Hey, Reiner. You said you'd talk once Eren woke up, right? How about you finally tell us? What do you two plan on doing with us from here?" Ymir asked.

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