Chapter 12

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{Long Chapter Ahead - 5,741 words}

Y/N slowly opened her eyes only to see Levi sleeping beside her. She smiled at the sight of her captain.
So he really did stay, huh? Y/N thought. She went out of the bed quietly and went straight the the bathroom to have a warm bath.

After taking a bath, Y/N walked out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around her body and head. She stiffened when she saw Levi sitting on her bed. It seems like the captain just woke up.

"Morning." Levi said. His eyes are bore into Y/N. The captain didn't even bother looking away even though Y/N has only a towel to cover herself.

Y/N eventually came back to her senses. She quickly went to her cabinet and picked up new underwear and her newly washed uniform. "G-good morning, captain. You shoud go and get ready." Y/N said, not bothering to look at Levi.

"Yeah. I should." Levi said. He stood up and made his way towards Y/N's bathroom.

Y/N was dumfounded. She thought that Levi will go to hi room but he didn't. When the door of the bathroom closed, Y/N quickly put on her uniform. She knows that Levi has no new clothes to change into so she quickly left her room and ran to Levi's room. As soon as she arrived at the captain's room, she went to his cabinet and picked up his newly washed uniform. After getting Levi's  uniform, she ran back to her room.

Little did she know, Hange, Miche and Nanaba saw her running from her room to Levi's room then running back from Levi's room to her room.

"What is her deal?" Nanaba asked, her brows furrowing.

Hange giggled. "I think they slept together." Hange said which shocked Miche and Nanaba.

"Don't let Erwin hear you, Hange. What'll his reaction be if he learns that Levi and Y/N slept together." Miche said.

Hange laughed. "Why? I mean, in my opinion, Erwin likes Levi for Y/N. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if those two are in a relationship or what." Hange said and smiled widely.

Nanaba nod her head in agreement.
"I gotta agree with Hange. If there is someone he trusts fully with his daughter, it's the captain." Nanaba said.

Miche was about to speak but they stopped when they saw Y/N walked out of her room with Levi. The commander's daughter is smiling while talking to the captain while te captain has his usual bored look but it's obvious that he's listening to Y/N.

"Did...they really sleep together?" Miche asked in disbelief.

"Yes, they did." The three superiors turned around when a familiar voice spoke. The three of them gasped when they saw Erwin with a serious look.

"E-Erwin." Hange muttered, she flashed him an awkward smile.

"You know?" Miche asked.

Erwin slowly smiled at the three. "Yes. Last night, I went to Y/N's room and saw her sleeping with Levi. Don't get the wrong idea, they didn't do anything lewd. They just accompanied each other. I guess those two found comfort in each other. We all know Y/N and Levi has the same problems when it comes to sleeping. I'm just glad they both were able to sleep peacefully last night." Erwin said.

Miche and Nanaba smiled, both of them nod their heads. While Hange giggled. "It's better if something-"

"Hange, stop." Erwin said and let out a deep sigh.

Hange laughed and nod her head. "Sorry, I'm just getting excited!" Hange said. They were interrupted when Levi and Y/N came to them.

"What's making you excited at this early morning, Hange-san?" Y/N asked. A genuine smile is plastered on her lips.

Young Smith (Levi Ackerman x FEM! Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα