Chapter 21

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{Long Chapter Ahead - 4,521 words}

-Sixteen Hours After The Titans Were Spotted-

"What should we do?" Armin spoke ro break the deafening silence. They're now on a wagon adn on their way to Ermich district. Mikasa, Eren, Hange, Levi and minister Nick are also in the wagon. "To think that Rose would suddenly be breached. What options do we even have left to us? Even if we go with Eren to the damaged spot I can'y imagine it going well." Armin said. He then looked at minister Nick who's in between Levi and Hange.

"And...why are we taking a wallist priest with us?" Armin asked, his brows are furrowed. He's obviously not fond of minister Nick who insisted on killing Eren and dare not to speak about what he knows.

Hange smiled widely. She wrapped her right arm around Nick's shoulder. "Oh...Nick and I are buddies. Right?" Hange said and playfully punched Nick's right chest. The minister remained silent. "He knew there were titans inside the walls, but he kept it a secret until now. I don't know why but he's serious about dying before he'll spill any more. Still, their church knows some sort of secret about the walls." Hange said.

Eren groaned. He suddenly stood up and leaned closer to minister Nick. "Huh?! What the hell?!" Eren said out of anger. He grunted and fell back on his sit. The green-eyed boy is still exhausted after his fight in Stohess with the female titan.

Mikass assisted Eren. "Calm down. You're still tired from transforming." Mikasa said. Eren groaned and just glared at Nick.

"We could have asked some other believers but he chose to come with us. Since the situation different now, he wants to see if he can stay true to his principles and keep silent even after seeing how things really are. He's says he's going to judge with his own eyes and he's going to ask himself." Hange said.

Eren looked at minister Nick. "Wait, wait. But that's ridiculous. If there's something you know, please, just tell us. How could anything be more important than keeping humanity from being wiped out?" Eren asked.

Minister Nick remained silent.

Hange side-eyed Nick. "I wonder, the minister looks like a righteous man of good judgment but on the other hand, perharps there really is something more important to him than the extinction of humanity." Hange said.

Levi hissed and side-eyed Nick.
"Well, I guess he's got some guts. But I wonder about the other believers. Hard to imagine those bastards have all got the same kind of willpower." Levi took out a revolver on his jacket's pocket. He pointed it on minister Nick's waist. "There are a lot of ways to ask a question." Levi said.

The gun his holding is Y/N's gun that was given by Erwin to Y/N as a gift.

(A/N: Please. Levi with a gun is hot. I mean he's hot even without a gun. But this scene hits different. 👀)

"I may not be of much use right now, but I can at least keep an eye on one minister. I would sincerely like to avoid seeing a hole thoughtlessly blown through someone's body. I believe we both do." Levi said.

Minister Nick didn't say anything. Levi rolled his eyes and kept his gun. "But never mind that." Levi looked at Hange. "Hange? I didn't think you had any hobbies so dreary as playing with rocks." Levi said.

The brunette-woman is holding a crystal rock and have been staring at it since they left for Ermich district.

Hange looked at Levi. "Well, you're right. This isn't just a rock. This is a fragment of the female titan's hardened skin that she left behind." Hange said which surprised the trio especially Armin.

"W-what?! It's still here?!" Armin asked.

"That's right!" Hange answered. "Even after Annie turned back into a human and was detached from her titan body. Well, just look! It's not evaporating and it's not disappearing. It gave me an idea, and when I compared it to a fragment of the wall, the two were very similar, down to their physical structures. In other words, the central pillars of that wall were colossal titans, and it's surface was made up of hardened skin." Hange said.

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