66 - The dream wedding

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In the end my Sanem left all the planning of our wedding to me.
She wrapped her arms around my neck and looked at me with all the love in the world and whispered - Surprise me Can Divit, I don't want to know how or where it will happen, I only care about being your wife.

And so I had to do my best, I worked hard not to disappoint her and make sure she had her dream wedding.
And so, exactly one week after Emre and Layla's, our day arrived.
I wait for my Sanem on the pier of the Uskudar pier when it is time for a fiery sunset over Istanbul and the Bosphorus.
I see her arrive in a white lace dress with a sweetheart neckline and a long train behind her. Her beautiful hair is loose and embellished only by an impalpable veil that moves lightly in the breeze coming in from the sea, making her almost a surreal vision.
Nihat proudly accompanies her, holding her close to his arm until the end of the pier and hands her over to me with eyes moist with emotion.

- I give you my erkenci kus Can, I only ask you to take care of it, protect it from the storms and never let go of its hand -.

I nod, moved in turn by his words - Soz, I promise Nihat, nothing and no one will stop me from keeping the woman I love safe, close to me and my heart, I promise - I reply in a solemn voice.

I take Sanem's hand, I see her looking at me with a happy and loving gaze, on her lips the most beautiful smile I have ever seen shining on her face.

- Finally mine forever - I whisper softly in her ear as I help her onto the boat that I have reserved for us, ourfriends and relatives, which casts off and sets sail.
Sanem turns to look at me questioningly.
- Is this where the ceremony will be held? Are we going to get married while sailing on the Bosphorus? -

I smile mysteriously - Not exactly my love, we'll do it in the middle of the Bosphorus, yes, but not on a boat.
Come with me on the bow, I want to show you the place I have chosen for our "yes", come -

I guide her, putting my hands in front of her eyes to prevent her from peeking - Ready? -

- Very ready -

I take my hands away and move to the side to enjoy her expression at the sight of what awaits us.

I take my hands away and move to the side to enjoy her expression at the sight of what awaits us

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- Can? - Her expression incredulous, she looks alternately at me and the Maiden's Tower.
- What have you done? -

- I made sure that you can have the unique and special marriage you deserve aşkım my love.
You have experienced so much suffering because of me, from now on what I most want is to vote every day of my life to make you happy in every possible way.
When I thought about what "our" place was, the one that most represents our history, the first image that came to mind was this.
While we were on those rocks over there, the Tower was a silent witness to our first shy approaches, our most beautiful declarations of love, our complicit kisses and our most furious arguments. Today I want it to be the protagonist of the most beautiful epilogue we could have aşkım my love. Seni çok seviyorum, I love you so much -


It seemed like a dream to see him there waiting for me, at the end of the pier, beautiful in trousers, black waistcoat and a white shirt that only brings out the most beautiful smile he has ever given me.

Now I can't believe what he has planned for us, I look at the small island in front of me, where the Maiden's Tower is located, and the sense of unreality I feel is even stronger.
I have always adored this magical and mysterious place, I have watched it for hours and hours dreaming of my albatross and then crying for its departure. I have told the profile of the minarets of Ayasofya, Saint Sophia, and this impregnable fortress my love for a man I loved even before I knew what he looked like.

I cannot believe that Can had the delicacy to choose this very place for our big day, for the beginning of our future.
I turn towards him and, unable to put into words what I feel, I hug him tightly resting my cheek on his chest, right there where I know is the tattoo that indicates that we have always been predestined.
He holds me tight with his big arms and rests his chin on my head in that gesture that makes me feel in the right place, in the place that belongs to me most in the world.

We soon dock on the little island and get off, Can guides me towards one side of the tower where an arch of white flowers frames the table where the State Officer is waiting for us in the light of a thousand lit candles that create a magical, unreal atmosphere.
We sit excited, unable to take our eyes off each other and listen to the words that make us husband and wife almost pervade a sense of unreality.
It seems unbelievable that it is really happening, after all that has happened we have experienced moments when we both believed it was too late for us.

When it comes time for the exchange of vows Can takes my hand and brings it briefly to his lips, then looks at me with all the love he can muster and says.

- I have chosen a poem to promise you my eternal devotion Sanem Aydin, a beautiful poem that I feel is mine, word for word.

"If you know how to stay close to me,
and we can be different,
If the sun shines on both of us
without our shadows overlapping,
If we can be "us" in the midst of the world
And together with the world, cry, laugh, live.

If every day is to discover what we are
and not the memory of what we were,
if we know how to give to each other
without knowing who will be the first and who will be the last.
If your body will sing with mine because together we are joy...

Then it will be love
and it will not have been in vain to expect so much".

{Rosita Vicari - If you know how to stay close to me} -

My poor heart feels now bursting with love for him more than ever.
Word after word this wonderful man has managed to make me love him even more, he has completely enraptured and bewitched my heart and soul for some time now, but the gentleness he is showing since we have found each other is something that has managed to make him even more dear to me, as I didn't think it was possible to be.

Now I am the one holding both his hands and looking into his eyes, trying to convey all the love I feel for him.

- We've waited a long time, that's true.
I have waited a lifetime for you Can Divit, you were already in my dreams as a child, you were in the first throbs of a teenager because I knew you were somewhere in the world, predestined for me.
You were in my every thought from the time you accidentally kissed me in the darkness of a theatre and then when I started to fall in love with the charming boss of Fikri Harika.
I waited for you during our separations and even when I didn't want to, when I was convinced I had to forget you forever.
You have always been my albatross, you have always been mine, as I have always been and always will be yours.
It was not in vain to wait if we can now have all this-

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