52 - Surprises and emotions

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This seems like a surreal situation, I can't believe that Can has bothered to look for accommodation here by the lake, near me, for the week he is staying in Ankara. I had wondered how he had found me when he had set up that magical setting by the lake and now I have my answer, he has done more than just join me for an evening.

I don't know what to think as my attention is caught by what is happening before my eyes, Aziz approaching Mihriban, gallantly kissing her hand as he looks at her with an intensity that cannot be ignored.
I see my friend blush, holding her breath with emotion, could it be that Aziz is the man she told me about, the man she has never forgotten?
My gaze falls on Can who is looking intently at his father, what is he thinking at this moment? Does he also think that what we are witnessing could be what we ourselves might experience in the future?
I read regret and nostalgia in Aziz's eyes, could it be that he too has been thinking about Mihriban for a lifetime as she confessed to me?
Witnessing this moment between them instils in me terrible doubts, is it possible that a choice made in youth, based on certainties that seem unshakable, can condemn two people to a lifetime of lack and regret?

Feeling Can's hand take mine abruptly brings me back to reality, I was so lost in my di lemma  that I didn't even feel him approach.
I look up at him in surprise and he returns with eyes shining with intense emotion, he leans towards me and whispers softly: "Let's not let misunderstandings and lack of dialogue condemn us to a half-life, lütfen please Sanem, let's find the courage to face the situation together.
Once again his gaze, his words that seem so sincere and heartfelt undermine my determination to stay away from him, but how can I do that when he is there still holding my hand and intertwining his fingers with mine as he brings it to his lips?

I feel lost, my rationality completely knocked out by that spell that Can Divit has been able to cast over me since the first moment I met him, I feel completely helpless, unable to resist him while my heart just wants to give in to his flattery, to believe his words.

My rational side comes overbearingly to remind me that those words in the past, however, have proved to be worthless, empty promises, empty declarations of love.
It is Mihriban's voice that brings me back to reality and helps me to regain some sense.

- Welcome to both of you, it's definitely a surprise to see you again after all these years Aziz, I must confess that by now I didn't think our paths would ever really cross again -
I am surprised by the satisfied smile and the confident tone with which he counters.
-I believe that if it happened there must be a reason, I'm convinced that in this life nothing ever happens by chance -.
I see a smug blush rise on Mihriban's cheeks as she tries to regain some composure while moving towards the table, with her back to us to pour some white wine into the glasses she had prepared for the purpose. She then turns around to hand each one over and take her own when it is Can or speaking by raising his glass in a toast.
-To unexpected encounters and perhaps, who knows, predestined encounters-.
We all raise our glasses high, each one reflecting in his or her inner self on the deep meaning to be given to those words, and then Aziz speaks.
- I agree with your every word Can, I would like to apologise to Mihriban for my sudden presence in her house today, last night I decided on an impulse to reach Can here to surprise him, I don't want to be inappropriate by showing up here unannounced -.
Mihriban stares at him for a long time in silence without replying, she seems to be making an important decision, she inhales a deep breath and, continuing to look him straight in the eyes, replies - You are welcome Aziz, the door of my house is always open for anyone who wants it.
Aziz replies promptly - And I do wish it, of that you must have no doubt Mihriban.

Something crucial is happening right now between the two of them even though the scene, seen from the outside, could almost be comical with Can and I shifting our gaze from one to the other to follow the exchange of lines as if we were watching a tennis match.

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