However, a twinge of unease began forming at the pit of my stomach. This boy, no background or power to save him, had such confidence. Why did I feel like this brat, who's only half my height, was somehow looking down at me; as if he was the one that was superior.

However, much stronger than my unease was harsh contempt for having something that I had been searching so hard for. 'You're just trying to make me want to kill you more, aren't you, brat?'

He arrived in front of me just as I was about to finish my Fire Spark spell.

All of a sudden, a piercing crunch sounded from beneath me before I dropped to my knees.


'That's weird. Why did I suddenly lose balance?'

I glanced down, only to see someone's knee bent inwards, along with the bones, tendons still attached, sticking out of the skin.

'T-t-that's my leg!'



IT HURTS! IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS! I've never felt such excruciating pain in my life! Why should a noble conjurer like myself need to feel pain?

'W-Why is no-one helping me?' As I frantically looked around, it was apparent that everyone was somehow frozen. They weren't just surprised, but actually frozen in place.

It was then that I noticed that the colors of my surrounding had been flipped, or reversed. 'Have my eyes been clouded from the pain?'

"This space won't last long, so I'll make it quick. I'll tell you right now that it would be best for both of us if you stopped your hopeless pursuit of ours bonds. I don't wish to make an enemy of this Kingdom's leader, thus I'm giving you one last chance."

The boy was speaking in a manner that made me completely forget his age. The tone of his words, coupled with the way he articulated them, carried both power and dignity, caused a terrifying sensation that I had felt before.

'It was him back in the room!' As I thought this, the pressure bore down on me, forcing me to fearfully comply.

He turned his back to me as he walked away, taking a few steps forward, before suddenly glancing back at me.

He looked at me with an emotionless face, his eyes seeming to pierce straight into my brain like a hot needle, actually making me wince in pain.

'No... No, no, no... I can't breathe! I-I'm scared!' The torturous pain had been somewhat numbed. Instead, I could feel a warm sensation between my legs as my body accepted its fate of death.

His eyes continued to bore down at me in blatant disgust as I tried to stop my body from shivering.

He looked at me as if I was simply an insect, and slowly mouthed,

"Know. Your. Place."


While the implication of his message towards the King of a country was provoking, this eight-year-old's reasoning and argument fascinated me while the devotion of the nine year old to his bond amazed me.

Even though Sebastian was a loyal guard that had served us for decades, it was beneath me to make these kids give up his pet. And yet, I still promised him beforehand that I would. Who would I be if I were to go back on my word?

Then, everything went south. 'Do the Royal Knight Guards only amount to this much...? To rush in simply because of a Childs provocation?'

I didn't bring my personal Templar Knights, thinking that there wouldn't be any trouble, but I couldn't have guessed that these fresh trainees would cause this much trouble...

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