|𝟴| 𝗔 𝗙𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗹𝗮𝗿 𝗙𝗮𝗰𝗲

Start from the beginning

Nope. Nope. Nope. I only need Chiara, Elyse, Gio, and Karlos. Nobody else. Sept For Freddy B. Jones of course. I tried to be friends with someone new. But failed. And now I have to get over it.

But why am I so sad?

I shake my head, still stuck on the sidewalk, waiting for a car to let me pass. I pull out my phone and put my headphones on, pressing a random song on my "Sad playlist" on Spotify.

One car finally lets me pass them and I kick off the road and start paddling past the car, turning my head to smile at them.

But that smile soon drops as my eyebrows draw together. It's the guy from the hallways. Declan? He stares down at something. Maybe his phone? But then he looks up and we make eye contact for a split second, his expression just as shocked as mine. But then he tears his gaze away from mine and to something beside me and I follow it to a car rushing towards me, it's lights shining bright in my face. I quickly put my foot down to stop my self from moving forward but in the process I fall off of it.

I hear a door close before someone's beside me and shouting. I look up, my knee and the palms of my hands burning from dragging against the concrete. Declan stands in front of me, his hand out as if that would stop the car from driving towards us.

But the car does stop so I guess it did work.

My head starts pounding from the massive headache feeling it and my whole body hurts, my hands and knees throbbing from the sudden pain.

"Are you alright?" A voice says from above me.

I slowly look up, confused. "God?" I whisper.

I hear a low chuckle before someone's helping me up. "No, not god". That person helps me to their car and they open the passengers seat before helping me sit and buckle in.

I watch through the window as that person jogs towards my phone and headphones that now lay a few feet from my bike. The unknown person who we all know is really God, jogs back to the car and hands me my phone and headphones then grabs my bike off the road and goes behind the car to do whatever they're doing back there.

I slowly look down at my phone, picking it up and flipping it over only to see a splintered screen. My headphones have wires sticking out every which way with one of the circle thingybagiggys holding on for dear life.

But let's look on the bright side. At least I get to use my princess bandaids when I get home.

The car suddenly dips as the person who helped me get inside their car gets inside as well. I look up and over and watch them as they buckle themselves in then slouch in there seat and cover their face with one of their hands, sighing and breathing heavily.

Why pray tell is he breathing heavy when I'm the one who nearly got ran over by a car?

"You okay?" I jump when he speaks. He looks over at me and I realize it's hallway guy, Declan.

I nod and fiddle with my hands in my lap. I should probably text Chiara and Elyse and tell them I will be there later or something. They're probably worried sick.

"Do you need me to drop you off somewhere?" Declan asks. I look over at him and he meets my eyes, his eyebrow raised.

"Yeah" I say.

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