He didn't hesitant to run towards it, the driver holding the backseat door open for him as he clambered up and plopped down on the plush leathery seats inside, eyes sparkling as he peaked out of the tinted windows. His father gave directions to the driver as he slid into the seat besides him, taking off his black hat.

Outside, parents watched worriedly and tensely as the car drove away, less excited then their children who were staring excitedly in awe.

"We have visitors?" Hans exclaimed after listening to his father, grinning wider than ever as their car drove along the cobblestone streets of Berlin. "Who is it? Who is it? Is it the Führer? Those generals last week?"

Nazi Germany laughed at his son's behaviour, leaning back into his seat and pulling off his gloves. "No, it's not. But he's still someone very important, so you have to be on your best behaviour, okay?"

"I can be on my best behaviour!" Hans declared proudly and pressed his fists against his sides at attention, his little face scrunched up in an expression of childish seriousness. His father burst out laughing, crimson red eyes squinted playfully as he pinched his cheeks, making his son giggle and try to squirm away.

"Stop! You have to tell me who it is!!" Hans shrieked mid-giggle, batting away his hands. Nazi smirked mischievously and glanced at their driver, before gesturing for him to come closer, hand cupped over his ear as he whispered.

'...He's a countryhuman.'

He gasped, before a quick look from his father made him slap both his hands over his mouth and rapidly nod his head, promising to keep quiet. His father grinned at his reaction, and soon he was giggling again when he ruffled his hair messy, long fingers tickling him through his school uniform until he was shrieking for mercy.

The car slowed to a stop at their front gate, the driver nodding to Nazi, who had on his hat and gloves again, as they got out. Hans pulled his school bag out of the car after him, slinging the long strap over his head and onto his shoulder again as he ran impatiently for the gate, whining for his father to hurry up and open it.

Nazi growled playfully and scooped up his son with one arm, stopping his fidgeting as he took out the keys from his pocket with his free hand, letting the gate swing open as they walked through, his boots faintly clicking on the pavement.

"You silly little boy-" Hans giggled again when his father booped his nose, hoisting him up higher in his arms. He retaliated by stealing his hat, but his father only grinned and put him back down on the ground, snatching his hat back gently and setting it properly back on his head where it belonged. "I'm going to talk with him now, we'll be in my office, okay?"

"But what about me? I want to talk to him too!" He cried, bouncing on his feet as he skipped after his father's fast strides, one hand holding on to his school bag. "Later, we have important things to discuss." Nazi said, one hand reaching out for the door knob of the grand front door.

"Be good, okay?" He said one last time, smiling softly before he stepped fully into the house. Hans huffed to himself, kicking a small pebble nearby with the tip of his black, polished shoe. It clinked against a metal grill, coming to a stop near the small gate to the garden. He paused, before shrugging and pushing it open, walking on the grass.

The garden was big, but most of it was full of growing vegetables and herbs, and he was forbidden from playing near them so that he won't destroy them. So, he was only allowed in a small section of it. His favourite part of it was the huge oak tree, right besides the tall fencing surrounding the entire garden.

He liked climbing it, as he did to most other trees. But he didn't feel like it today, what he wanted was to go to the park, the biggest one in Berlin, and run around, playing freely and making as much noise as he wanted without anyone telling him to behave. The visits to the park was the best part of his week, every Saturday, he and his father would go, and that hasn't changed for every week he's ever remembered in his life.

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