"So tell me Bryce. How's it been at the academy?"

I bite my lip and lean back on the armchair. "Academically it's horrible. Socially it's amazing." My grandma laugh out loud leaning her head back.

"That's the Weston spirit. You've grown soo much taller then the last time I've seen you."

"Well you haven't seen me much now have you?" I accuse. "You didn't even come to Christmas, Mom's wedding or my birthday."

Grandma rolls her eyes. "I was going too." She says. "But I got busy. That's all."

"Hmm." I calculate. "What kind of busy?"

She blushed at me. "Not that kind! For Christ's sake I'm fifty-eight!"

I laugh out loud as the rest of my friends come down. "Guys this is Grandma. Grandma these are the shitheads I've been hanging out with."

"Pleasure meeting you. One shithead to another." My grandma winks as they all chuckle astounded. "Ah Jordan you look nice and tall. Got muscle on you too. Attract any ladies?"

"As a matter of fact I have." Jordan straightens the top of his shirt.

"Oh?" My grandma challenged.

"Yeah. Emery." Jordan mused.

My grandma looked at me. "Emery the bitch? Really? You took the shot with somebody who-"

"Grandma." I sang in. "We're good now. Don't worry."

Jordan's eyes are widened as my grandma tilts her head at him. "Are we actually good?"

"Yes ma'am." He swallowed as she nodded turning back to us.

"Bryce could you get me some water please, sweetheart?" Grandma asked. I immediately got up and went to the kitchen to hear Louis and Catherine shouting.

"Stop it Cath!" Louis shrieked. "Not everything is about you!"

"It fucking is when she doesn't get involved!" Catherine hissed back. "If you don't tell her then I will Lou. I don't give a damn what Amelia, Jake or her grandma said! She isn't a little girl anymore-"

"She has already been through soo much. Are you going to be that selfish and add another knife to the wound Cate? You like to see her suffer and cry?"

"God just shut up. This isn't about us. She gets to make that choice. Not us. You said yourself she hasn't gotten that-"

"I didn't mean it in this circumstance!" Louis screamed. I walked in and they both jumped at the sight of me. Louis's throat was red, whether  from anger or pregnancy I did not know. "Bryce." She breathed with a smile. Her eyes trailed on the glass in my hand and she stepped aside. "The coolers acting a little rough so I froze ice cubes instead."

I set the glass down and crossed my arms at them. "What is it that you both aren't telling me?"

Louis opened her mouth. "Nothing. I swear it's stupid and soo minor it really doesn't-"

"Affect my life?" I finished for her and turned my attention to Catherine. "What is it?"

"Bryce-" She started a little sad.

"For fuck's sake tell me!" I angrily put out looking between the two of them. "What happened?"

Louis burst into tears while Catherine gritted her jaw. "It's not my place to tell but your grandma-" That was enough for me to go running in the living room.

Grandma and everybody looked up at me as I stormed in with a worried look on my face. "Bryce, dear, is everything alright?" I stared at her turban and swallowed shakily.

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