"That's why I wanted you to know personally that the gymnasium is opening tomorrow, so please stop sending me letters now."

You smiled nervously scratching your head, " I'm sorry for causing you, trouble sir."

He nodded casually. " You can go now."

He went to attend his paperwork.
You sprang up to your feet, bowed and turned to leave.

"Y/N." He called out.


"Take that box back to the AV room, will you?"

You looked at the box on the table beside the door.

"Sure." You grinned. The box was heavy really heavy.

"Can you handle it?" He asked looking at you.

"Yes! No big deal," you lied.

You tried moving the box a little, it didn't budge. You tried to pick it up this time with your full strength.

You managed to hold it in your arms but you had no idea how you were going to carry it to the AV room which was on the other side of a whole different building.

One step at a time as you walked out of the office.

The principal looked at you concerned, not for you, for the box.

Going down the stairs was the worst. You had to make sure nothing fell from the box or you fell taking the box with you.

The principal trusted you with this job you had to show him that you were a responsible person.

But honestly, you didn't know why you made a big deal out of it.

"Y/N San!"

A boy probably from a second year started walking beside you. "Can I talk to you for a moment, it's important."

He looked anxious. You didn't have time for this, the box was already too heavy to hold.

"I am kind of in a hurry, can we continue this later." You asked politely walking still.

He slowly stopped slowing his pace, "okay."
You wondered what could it be.

The AV room was on the ground floor, you decided to take a shortcut from the skyway which was next to the auditorium.

Just a few more steps.

You can now see the AV room from a distance, you walk towards it steadily. It took way too much energy just to get there.

The door leading inside is slightly open, you use your leg to open it completely. A tall figure passes by the door from the inside. It waits just in time to stop in front of you.

"That looks hard to manage by yourself."
You look up at the figure and it's Oikawa, your cheeks flush red.

"It's fine," you say in a high pitched voice.

"Let me help you," he smiled taking the box from you.

Your hands felt so relieved after the box was taken away. Your blood was running through your veins again.

"Uh- th- thanks."

"You seem to be forgetting what I told you Y/N chan." He said while keeping the box on the table.


He sighed," Faith wants us to be together so I will always be near when you need help."

He flashed you a smile.

"You weren't near when I needed help." You cut in leaning on the table with your hands resting on your chin.

His face fell. " I am here now! That's what matters."

He said leaning on the table in front of you, resting his head on his hand.

You scrunch your face.

"What?" He laughs.

"While we are on that topic what exactly are you doing here?" You asked instead," Don't you have a class?"

"Recording," he replied instantly, showing you the cassette in his hand.

"Wait it's Monday, you don't practice on Mondays."

"Yes," he agreed. "That's why I said recording. I'll watch it tomorrow," he whispers coming closer towards your face.

"You could have done it in the computer lab. So why here?" You mumble.

He looked at you for a moment then said shyly," you know, big screen."

"You ar-"

"- Y/N San!"

That voice caught both of you off guard. You both straightened back up.

The AV room door slams open and the same boy comes in bowing.

"Y/N san I have been watching you for a really long time, I even saw your match! And today I got the chance to finally say it." He confesses.

You don't say anything a part of you is confused another part of you also wants to know what he has to say.

"I wanted to say," he continues. "THAT I LIKE YOU!"

You half shriek," what?"

"Please accept this letter." He outstretches both his hands holding the envelope in front of you.

You stand there confused not knowing how to react.

Oikawa on the other hand is standing there hands by his side, clenching his fingers on his palm with a pouty look.

The boy finally looks up. He stands there near the door awkwardly, he figured that you would be alone.

This is awkward.

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