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"Fiancé?" Caitlín splutters, recovering quickly. Her shock morphs into relief. "Well then, this is a wonderful surprise, isn't it, ladies?"

I wait for a smug comment from Roisin, but she remains silent, her shoulders relaxed but her expression unreadable. I can't help but feel a bit sorry for her—it must be tough knowing the man you've been eyeing wants someone else.

"Definitely a surprise," Siobhan agrees with a tight smile.

"It's a bloody fantastic surprise," Reagan bursts out, standing up and striding over to where Alexei and I stand. She reaches out to him with a wide grin, showing off that perfect Brady smile. "Congratulations," she says. Alexei, his left eye twitching slightly, returns the smile, though clearly thrown off by her forwardness. He takes her much smaller hand in his gloved one and they shake.

"Thank you. Reagan, was it?" Alexei asks, a flicker of interest in his gaze.

"The one and only," Reagan quips back, her earlier somber mood completely evaporated. She lifts her chin, eyeing him with a playful look. "I can see why she'd prefer you. I mean, you are so much hotter."

"Reagan Mary Brady," Siobhan interjects, her face expressionless but her voice slightly raised, betraying her discomfort. "Manners."

Reagan blows a raspberry and continues to admire Alexei. "I'm not planning to jump his bones, Ma. I'm just saying hello."

I snort, hearing Ava stifle a laugh nearby. Reagan's fiery spirit is always a show.

"You're a Brady," Alexei states, glancing towards Siobhan, who nods tightly in affirmation.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Reagan's smile widens, and I swear there are stars in her eyes. She starts to say something else but pauses and frowns, reaching down to pull her phone from her pocket.

Reagan reads something on the screen, her hazel eyes dimming a bit. She clears her throat. "Well, I need to go pee. Where's the bathroom?" she asks, turning the subject abruptly.

"I'll show her," Louisa offers, nodding for Reagan to follow. Elenore approves with a nod and then takes the spot Alexei vacated beside me.

"Erin, darling. It is lovely to see you again. It has been too long." Elenore's melodious voice, accented with French passion, fills the room. She leans in for the customary air kisses and then turns to Ava. "And Ava, mon chéri, you look absolutely glowing."

Ava waves from her seat, amusement still on her face. "It's good to see you too, Elenore."

"I apologize for keeping you all waiting. Alexei is a hard man to say no to, vous savez," Elenore teases, placing a manicured hand over her heart.

"I appreciate you taking the time to discuss some of your suggestions. Mой маленький спитфайр will look like the perfect bride in your talented hands," Alexei replies, his gaze locked on me, heat evident in his eyes.

"Yes, well, if you will excuse us now, Alexei. The next part is for the brides only," Elenore says, subtly hinting it's time for him to leave.

Not to be outdone, Caitlín stands and almost drags Roisin toward Elenore. "Ah, this must be Roisin. Three beautiful brides, I have my work cut out for me."

"I will bid you ladies adieu," Alexei smirks, his blue eyes sparkling. "Oh, and who is the lucky man, Roisin?"

"My daughter is marrying a Brady," Caitlín boasts, not letting Roisin speak.

"Shay?" Alexei asks, his left eye twitching again—he really seems interested. I chuckle at my own joke, causing a moment of confusion for Alexei.

"No," Caitlín laughs, her tone becoming nasally. "My Roisin wouldn't go near that boy. He's always following that girl around," she winces, catching Ava and my narrowed eyes. "Apologies, what I meant is, Shay's so infatuated with the O'Connell girl that no other pack girl would settle for second best."

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now