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When I return downstairs, Ava's suitcase in hand, the kitchen is thoroughly cleaned. All traces of vomit have been removed, and Liam is patiently waiting for me, his tall frame resting against Ava's white marble kitchen island. "Get what you need?" he asks as I admire his handiwork.

Noticing my focus on the floorboards, Liam shrugs, a slight blush appearing on his cheeks as we make eye contact. "Ma made sure I knew how to clean."

I take the briefest of sniffs, anticipating the sour smell of bile, but to my surprise, I'm greeted with the pleasant scent of eucalyptus and lavender. The gentle fragrance tickles my nose, and I can't help but appreciate the outcome. Considering Ava's a clean freak, this is undoubtedly something she'd approve of. Liam's hard work has spared me from lifting a finger, and with genuine appreciation, I smile at him, saying, "Well, she did a good job teaching you."

"I'm glad you think so, Erin. You can tell her that yourself later today," he replies, causing me to freeze at this new piece of information.

"You want me to meet your mother?" I'm unable to hide the shock in my voice. Sure, there might be some peculiar chemistry between his wolf and me, but meeting his mother is a bit much!

"Aye, you don't have a choice; you'll meet her as soon as we arrive at my home."

"You live with your mother?" If that isn't a passion killer, I don't know what is.

"Aye, my Da, little brother, little sister, uncles, aunties, and cousins, we all either life at the Ranch or in its vicinity," he shares, a wistful expression gracing his face, and I mentally kick myself. It makes perfect sense; he's a wolf, and they thrive in familial packs. My face remains thankfully neutral as I blink twice before nodding.

Once again, Liam shifts his gaze towards me, an expression of surprise on his face. With a single raised eyebrow, he strides towards me to take the case. "Thanks," I express, handing over the luggage. I'm all for equal rights, but I'm not foolish enough to reject a helping hand. If someone chooses to make my life easier by displaying chivalry, who am I to decline? Unnecessary physical labor isn't my forte, and I do have my nails to consider.

"You surprise me," Liam chuckles, his large hand securing around the handle, his proximity causing those unexpected shiver down my spine to return. What the hell is my body doing?

"Surprise you how?"

"For starters, you didn't give me grief about still living with my parents, and secondly, for someone as," he pauses, giving me an appraising look, "strong-willed as yourself, you still allow a man to..." he trails off, raising the suitcase, his gesture speaking volumes.

"Well, you are a wolf, and wolves live in packs," I deadpan, offering him a grin. "Also, what can I say? I know when to pick my battles."

Chuckling once more, he heads towards the door and waits for me to exit. Stepping through the open space onto the porch, I glance back at him as he closes the door behind us, his other hand running through his curls in an attempt to tame them. "Liam," I call, watching as he raises his head in acknowledgment, "you did arrange for your contacts to fix..." Before I finish my question, a glassier van pulls out in front.

"Already done," Liam replies, a smug look on his face as they stop in front of him. I watch as he gives them instructions, telling them to lock up when they finish, then follow him as he places the suitcase in the back of his truck. Walking over to the passenger side door, he opens it and waits for me to climb inside.

Dismissing his gesture with a scoff and a shake of my head, Liam wears a momentarily confused expression that swiftly transforms into understanding. I head towards my cherished vehicle, painted in the same vibrant fire engine red as his truck, and open the driver's side door. "You follow," I instruct before climbing inside. Liam, proceeds to his own driver's side, and ignites the engine of his massive truck.

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now