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"Erin, are you sure you're going to be alright on your own?" Ava's trying to be supportive, but she can't mask the concern in her voice.

I clutch the phone and pull it closer to my ear, the cool screen soothing my cheek. Taking a deep breath, I sigh, the air leaving my chest in a silent whoosh. "Yeah, babe, you know me, I'm tough as nails. I just need the evening to process, you know."

My mind feels like the inside of a teenage boy's bedroom when he searches for a condom. Those horny guys will throw everything around for 5 seconds of bliss, making one hell of a mess in the process. I need to get my control back. I mean, it's not every day a girl opens Pandora's box on feelings that she, no, I never knew I had. Without control, I have a nasty habit of burning things.

"Fine, but promise you'll call me if you change your mind." Mirroring my own sigh, resigned, she adds, "Griffin will come and get you, Erin, anytime, no matter what. You just need to let us know, okay?"

Griffin, my brother. When I turn those words over inside my head, I now feel what that means. And it scares the living shit out of me. It's changed my whole outlook on family. What Aisling and Griffin did for me, took me in and made me a part of them... My heart. It hurts. And Isla, she was mine. Mine to love. Mine to protect.

"I will," I promise, my throat constricting.

"Erin," Ava cuts in, sensing I'm about to end the call, "I know you're planning to return to the city tomorrow, but I, no we, still need to talk about..." she trails off, and I know she's still waiting for me to explain my relationship with Alexei.

I groan. They deserve the truth. "Tomorrow, before I leave, okay?"

"I'm holding you to that," pausing again, I hear murmuring in the background. Griffin. "We love you, Erin, and will move heaven and earth to protect you." These are his words. He would do that and more for his family. Our family.

"I know babe, love you too. Bye." Tears threaten to spill, my eyes stinging, as I end the call and cradle the phone to my chest. Nibbling the inside of my cheek, I look outside the windows to the porch, and focus on the frosted glass. Leaning back on the sofa; the gently falling snowflakes lull me, the sky a mixture of pinks and oranges as dusk settles in.

How am I going to leave after this?


As I wake, I rub my eyes slowly with the back of my hands. The living room is shrouded in darkness now, with only the dying embers in the fireplace casting a faint glow. Sitting up on the sofa, I crack my neck and reach for my lower back, massaging away the ache.

It's well past sunset, and the moon's soft glow fills the room's darker corners where the firelight doesn't quite reach. Hearing my stomach rumble, I rise and stretch before making my way to the small kitchen.

Finding one of the casseroles in the fridge, I put it in the microwave oven and set it to heat. Time seems to crawl by as I watch the seconds tick away. Suddenly, a rush of heat washes over me, prompting me to head towards the porch. Memories from earlier today flood my mind—dark, cold, and lonely. Despite knowing I was cared for, I still feel expendable— not enough to fight for.

My heart cracks a little. No one wants to know that they were created to be sold. Like chattle. All so that he could be with Aisling, and have a real family.

I'm spiraling.

Tears moisten my cheeks, the droplets evaporating as they trickle down my skin. I swing open the door and venture outside.

Instant relief washes over me as the cold air envelops my body. Delicate snowflakes drift down from the sky, softly brushing against my face as I descend the porch steps. With each step, my bare feet imprint on the snow, leaving behind tiny pools of melted water. Uncertain of my destination, my father's words echo in my mind as I wander.

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя