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"Shay," Isla mutters, but her voice is drowned out when the unmistakable sounds of an electric keyboard and guitars blast from somewhere, followed closely by drums.

"What in the world," Gerald starts, his attention fixed on the two as Bunny practically drags Isla towards the empty dance floor.

"Make way," Shay's voice booms over the surrounding crowd. The community redirects their attention towards them, captivated by what they think may be some form of halftime entertainment. "Make way for pure awesomeness. Be prepared, people, to see the magic happen. 80's style!" The intro to the song appears to be on repeat until they reach the center.

"Typical," Griffin shudders, pushing himself up from his chair and standing. "I need to use the bathroom, Doe. Will you be alright with Erin for a moment?"

"Wait. Don't you want to watch them?" Ava asks, her excitement evident as she begins to clap along to the music.

**** Author Note - If you want the full 80's impact - listen to the song as you read

"Not if I want to avoid being pulled up there with them," Griffin replies, grimacing as the 80's electronic intro repeats itself, the tune inducing a feeling like you want to jog in place. Flashdance style!

"Sure, but what's happening? And why would you be dragged up there?" Ava asks, her focus on Shay as he starts unbuttoning his suit jacket, swaying his hips to the music.

"To dance, Doe."

"You can dance?" Ava questions, her eyes widening with surprise and perhaps a hint of lust.

Griffin winks and grins at his mate, leaning down to whisper in her ear, "How do you think I learned that move you like so much?"

Ava blushes beet red and pulls him in for a kiss. "Be quick, and you are so going to show me EVERYTHING later," she tells him, emphasizing the "everything" part.

"It seems your blonde hunk of a friend is about to put on a little performance to Bonnie Tyler," Stephan remarks, his body facing the dancefloor. We watch Bunny move around the floor, his hands raised over his head in a clapping gesture to encourage crowd participation.

"I think I know this song. My mom used to play it," Ava adds, standing and moving to the edge of the dance floor. "I love it. I think it's called 'Hero' or something."

We all watch as Shay continues to move on the outskirts of the dance floor, his shirt sleeves rolled up and his muscles on full display. I can hear someone in the crowd whistle, the sound causing Shay to blow them a kiss as he begins to move back towards a still Isla.

The music now shifts, the first verse of the song beginning, and Shay puts on the 80's interpretive dance of a lifetime. He's hilarious as his lip-syncs to the song crying out for a Hero, serenading my sister, who remains frozen.

I can't help but notice that he directs his actions towards the elemental leaders when he's not twirling, twerking, or flexing at Isla. His focus is primarily on Alexei, who's now paused his talking and is watching the show, his face blank; however, I can see his lips quirk in interest.

"I never knew he could move like that," Ava gapes as Shay spins and drops into the splits, dragging himself on the ground in front of Isla. I chuckle when I look at her feet which are now bare.

"He's outstanding," Gerald agrees, his body tapping to the music.

After the first verse and chorus of Shay dancing around Isla, the entire community is now watching. Their conversations have ceased as they watch, enraptured by the show, and shout their encouragement.

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